Morning Call

After feeling the morning sun kissing her skin, she scratched her nose and blinked her eyes before fully opening them. 

This is the reason why she likes that her bed is next to a window where the light can peek through her curtains and bathe her skin in the morning light.  Stretching her arms over her head, she glanced at her nightstand where she left her phone. Next to her alarm clock, showing the time eight minutes after six.

She slept late and woke up early. Her body must be adjusting to the different timezone and the new surroundings. 

She pushed herself up and leaned on the headboard, still glancing at her phone. She couldn't gather the courage to check it. She's scared that Noah didn't send a message. She bit her lower lip and clenched the blanket closer to her body. 

'What if Noah didn't send a message?' 

'Don't be stupid. Instead of overthinking, just pick up your phone and check!'