Army Of Lawyers

He was in the middle of a video call with Jess when Antonio barged inside his inner office to inform him that the lawyers had arrived. 

He glanced at his vintage Rolex watch. The time is quarter to seven. His lawyers were already waiting in one of the conference rooms. The lawyers that Antonio announced the arrival of were Nicole's lawyers. 

He requested to have a talk that involved their lawyers first before taking the matter to court, even though his lawyers were already ready to fight tooth and nail to get shared custody—this time, for Lucille. 

Nicole agreed easily, and that made him more nervous, given the fact that she was the one who asked for this custody thing again. The whole morning, he was on the phone with his lawyers, overseeing the preparation they were doing. And now, the time to sit down has come. 

Nicole would be joining them through a video call from Shanghai.