Road To CEO

Noah hummed the OST of Howl's Moving Castle as if his life depended on it. He was overridden by guilt with what Jess said. Indeed, he was immature and selfish. He gave Jess a cold shoulder, without thinking that she was the one who suffered, not him. 

He put his phone into its highest volume in an attempt to hear every sound Jess was making on the other end of the line. But it seemed that her phone slipped off her hand already. The image he was seeing on the screen was something red. 

Jess was wearing red pajamas. She must have already fallen asleep. He heaved a deep sigh and thought of what he can do to make her feel better and to apologize for his action. 

'Should I buy her another ring?' he thought, scrolling the website of the famous jewelry shop, a direct competition of the jewelry company where Jess and Luke got their rings. 

He didn't see anything that Jess would like from the website. Besides, Jess doesn't seem to like jewelry that much.