Unseen Enemy

Jess woke up with a throbbing headache and a parched throat. The bright sun peeking on her bedroom window was something that she always enjoys. But not today. The bright lights were making her headache worse. 

She hopes she had someone that would draw the curtain for her. Her body was so heavy, she didn't want to get out of bed. She wondered why she felt like she was going down with the flu when she fell asleep last night feeling fine. 

The window was really troubling her. She wanted to close it. She wants total darkness because the burning sensation behind her eyes and the sunlight entering her room making it worse. 

  She misses Noah's pitch-black room. She misses Noah. 

She slowly pushed herself until she was leaning against the headboard. She didn't get up from the bed because the moment she moved, she watched the room dance.