None Of My Business

[This chapter is dedicated to Liway_Gaw for showering our story with your power stones! Thank you so much!] 


"And you let Nicole get Lucille?" Jess couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows. How could Noah give his ex-wife full custody of Lucille after what happened. 

He gave her a small smile. "When I said that, I drank a little. It was actually really bad. Even after Jin told me that Nicole picked up Lucille at her school and moved to a different house. I didn't do anything. And there wasn't a day that I wasn't intoxicated." 

Seeing the guilt crossed Noah's eyes. Jess's heart melted and grabbed his hands. "But you understand that what happened with you and your ex-wife can't be used as an excuse for what you did with me." 

Noah nodded like a boy that got called out for his mistake. "I know. Believe me, I know." He brought her hands to his lips and kissed the back of her hands. "I know. I'm so sorry, baby."