Invite Thy Neighbors

[This chapter is dedicated to MysticAmy. Thank you for the golden ticket and for always pushing me to write.]


As Noah recalled what happened the night they first met, Jess chewed the soft skin inside her cheek. She wanted to cry but she got a hold of herself. She simply confirmed that Noah did not remember everything that happened. 

With all the crazy things that have happened just because she got associated with Noah, she has a feeling that there's a valid reason why Noah had forgotten the most important thing that happened between them that night. 

And even if she asked him right now, he won't have an answer for her. Hence, she bit the inside of her cheeks and kept her tears at bay. She made a mental note to have things investigated once she's back in the states. She would just let things go for now. 

"We had come a long way, baby," he caressed his cheek.