[Bonus chapter] A Different Breed of Woman

[This chapter is dedicated to darcy_Goodson for being the top 1 fan of our story. Your continuous support is much appreciated. Much love!]


When Lucille finally ended the call, Jess returned Noah's phone to him. She fluffed up her pillow before laying down back to bed. 

"Baby, I'll be back to Palo Alto tomorrow evening." 

Jess turned her head to face Noah. "Your daughter is waiting for you." 

He stared at her eyes and took her hands to his hands. "Jess, Am I forgiven?" 


Noah was stunned by her curt answer. "B-but…" 

"It's easy to say I forgive you, Noah. However, it won't take away the hurt that I'm feeling. The disappointment. But I am not angry with you --" she quickly added.

"If you aren't angry with me then why --"