Dance With Me

The three of them were supposed to have dinner at the restaurant that Markus recommended, but Lucille was too exhausted from playing in the pool all day to wake up. Soraya suggested that Noah and Jess should just go have dinner outside, and she and Aadir would stay with Lucille and they would just order room service if Lucille is hungry, which according to her was unlikely since Lucille once fallen asleep usually woke up the next morning. 

Hence, Jess and Noah took the opportunity to dress up and go out for an unplanned dinner date with just the two of them. 

Noah wore a soft purple dress shirt over his pants and black leather shoes, a watch on his wrist, and his boyish charm, which made Jess's heart pitter-patter the entire night. She wore a black dress that hugs her curves and has a slit on her left thigh, high enough to keep Noah entertained all night.