Let's All Go Together

[This chapter is dedicated to marga0_0. Thank you for always supporting all of my works.] 


When Jess woke up next to a sleeping Noah, the corner of her lips automatically curved into a smile. She gripped the blanket covering her naked body and slowly got up from his side. 

She went to the bathroom to do her morning business. Her body was sore from letting Noah have his way with her. To ease her sore muscles, she quickly jumps into a warm shower before going to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for him. 

When she got into the kitchen of their penthouse, Lucille was already there, smiling brightly at her, wearing a pink apron that looked adorable on her. 

"Let me take your photo. I'll send it to uncle Luke." 

Lucille, hearing it would be for her uncle Luke, posed cutely and Jess became an instant stage mom? Or stage… What could be her label? She chuckled inwardly with the thought that was running through her head.