Proper Place

[This chapter is dedicated to thanujamm. Thank you so much for bestowing our story with your power stones. I could never thank you enough.] 

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Gripping the steering wheels, he stared absentmindedly at the people that were crossing the pedestrian lane. He was on his way home from Nicole's apartment and until now, he still could not believe that his ex-wife slept with Stefan. He didn't feel any ill-feeling about it, just mere disbelief. 

He just couldn't believe that Nicole would sleep with Stefan. He scoffed at himself mockingly. It seemed that despite being married to Nicole and having a child with her, he never truly knew his ex-wife at all. 

When the light turned green, the same time that he stepped on the accelerator, he received a call from Jess. A smile tore his lips. Everything that has something to do with Nicole or Stefan was totally forgotten.