Need To Be Protected

[This chapter is dedicated to DirtybookQueen90. Thank you for the love. I can't thank you enough for your continued support of our story.]

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When Jess ended the call, Noah felt a hollowness in his gut that when he stepped on the accelerator, he wished he was driving home to Jess. 

"You're in so deep Tiefenbacher and there is no other way to do this," he chuckled, checking his side mirror before taking a U-turn home. 

He arrived home with Lucille running with her dog trailing close behind and the two jumped into his open arms. He had to steady himself as he straightened his back from bending down, for they seemed to get heavier each day. 

"How's school?" He kissed her flushed and sweaty cheeks. 

"It was fine but I like riding horses more." She giggled and wiggled out of his embrace. "When are we going back to LA?" 

"There are no horses in LA." He held her hand as they walked toward the direction of the barn.