No Way In Hell

[This chapter is dedicated to I_M_W01. Thank you for all the power stones that you continued to shower on our story.] 

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Jess looked over her shoulder and a soft smile tore her lips when Lucille snored in the backseat. 

"She looks so tired," she whispered. Her eyes were still on the little girl sleeping deeply, with her hands pressed together under her cheeks, mouth slightly agape. 

Noah looked at his daughter with fondness from the rearview mirror. "She was very insistent that we should surprise you at work." He chuckled. "My idea of waiting at your apartment was rejected as ridiculous." 

Jess snorted as she stifled her laughter, worried that she would wake up the girl they were talking about, sleeping in the backseat, unaware that she was the cause of Jess and Noah's amusement. 

When their quiet laughter died down, Jess leaned toward Noah and asked. "How long will you guys stay?"