Good Timing [Bonus chapter]

[This chapter contains mature scenes.]

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Jess had an idea of what Noah had requested yet disbelief was all over her face as she looked at him. 

"Are you sure," she asked in a hushed tone of voice, staring at the CCTV that lost its red blinking dot, indicating that it was already turned off. 

"Sure as hell, minx," he slid her down from his arms without actually letting her go. From carrying her princess style, he pressed her back against the cold steel of the elevator car, and grabbed her ass and Jess didn't need prodding, she wrapped her legs around his waist. 

Jess moaned when Noah's tongue dove into her mouth without preamble and took control. She was panting and moaning with the exploration of his hungry mouth. Her arms were around his shoulders and as for her hands, they were tugging his hair for she wanted more.