What Do You Want Me To Do?

[This chapter is dedicated to Tina_Atitsogbui. Thank you for the continued support of our story despite the fact that I'm slow with the updates. To be honest, I'm having a hard time letting go of this story. I don't want it to end XD]

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"Ughhh, you messed up my hair," she glared at Noah from the bathroom mirror as she tried to fix her hair and makeup. 

Noah smirked smugly and chuckled. He leaned his hips against the sink countertop and watched her, proud of himself for what he did. 

The blushes on her cheeks deepened. She moved her leg, rubbing it to her other leg, trying to soothe the throbbing in between her legs that felt so breezy for she was missing her underwear. 

She wanted to smash her purse on Noah's face who had the audacity to smirk for he knew exactly what was running in her head. After all, he was the one who acted like a barbaric Viking, pulling her panties harshly.