Are We Having Twins?

[This chapter is dedicated to aidanazri75. Thank you for the continued support of our story. I could not be grateful enough.]

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"You took your time," she said with a smirk. 

"Where did you two go? Daddyy, we're supposed to surprise Miss Dana but you dragged Auntie Jessie away." 

Noah had to swallow his laughter with how Lucille stomped her foot and put her hands in akimbo, pouting as she glared at him. 

"I'm sorry, sugar," he pulled her to his side, ruffling her hair, and extended his hand for a shake to a man that he assumed to be Dana's fiancé. 

"Noah," he said, extending his hand with a smile. 


"Cool name," Lucille said, her eyes beaming as she stared at the man her father was shaking hands. 

"Thanks," Grand said, touching her cheek with his index finger. "Lucille is a pretty name."

Noah pulled his lips into a thin smile when Lucille blushed at what Grand said.