
Mr.Majeed was in his library still thinking about what Mr.Bilal said this morning. His heart says to forgive Bilal but his mind say no this must be some trap , you'll be trapped badly.

His phone rings he sees Bilal's number pop up on his screen. Majeed receives the call and gets shocked on what he heard .

Mr. Majeed rushes to the hospital and sees Azaan standing outside the room . "What happened to Bilal" he asked concerned.

"Abbu got heart attack, because he was very stressed these days. Uncle , Abbu wants to sort out things between you and him , he wants you to be his friend just the way you were before .

He misses those days he spent with you. Please forgive him" Azaan spoke dramatically hoping that Majeed will believe his sugar coated words.

"Can I meet him" Majeed asked and Azaan nodded .

"Why are you doing all this" Majeed asked , "I m repenting Majeed" Bilal said in a broken tone.

"Repenting?" Majeed chuckled. "Yes repenting for the mistakes I  did"

"I am really very sorry Majeed, please forgive me, please " Bilal joined his hands and pleaded , and faked his tears.

"It's not easy to forget everything that happened in the past" Majeed semi yelled.

"But we can try to forget everything Majeed! I miss my old friend. And I have a wish that I want to fulfill before dying.  My wish is to seek forgiveness from you and to be friends  with you again" Bilal said , hoping that Majeed will buy his lies

"Please Majeed , I beg you"

"Atleast let go of the past for the sake of our childrens" he continued.

Majeed was busy thinking what to do, Bilal was his friend and he didn't want to let go of his friend especially when Bilal is feeling guilty for everything he did.

"I forgive you. Now get well soon, we need to dance on Roshni and Azaan's marriage " he said with a genuine smile.

Bilal too smiled but it was an evil one .

"You did forgive me but I didn't.. I will never forget about what you did!" Bilal thought.

"Yes and thank you so much for forgiving me" Bilal said with a fake plastered smile.

"What are you doing here" Tara yelled when she saw Ayaan hopping in her room from the window.

"Wifey can't you ask me something else like how are you? Or say 'I missed you ' Instead of asking me what I am doing here" he replied sarcastically .

Tara rolled her eyes and walked towards her cupboard to keep the clothes inside.

While she was keeping the clothes inside her eyes fall on the small box , inside was the diamond ring that Ayaan gifted her on their wedding night.

She took it out and handed it to him "Take this with you" Ayaan's face turned pale .

"I bought this for you " he mumbled "I don't need it,  just take it back" she spat in anger.

Ayaan opened the box and took the ring out of it and putted it in Tara's finger "You had no problem while wearing that engagement ring given by you then-fiancee, then what's the problem in wearing this ring which was gifted by your husband "

He said in anger.  "I  said you that I don't accept you as my husband!" She yelled at him. It angered him too and he fisted his hand and banged it on the wall so hard that it made his knuckle bleed.

He did it multiple times until Tara placed her hand on the wall "Your hand is bleeding " she said lowering her gaze

"So? Do you care? No you don't,even if I die you won't care!" He yelled at her. Tears dwelled in her eyes.

She holded his hand and made him sit on the bed . She took a cotton ball and started cleansing the blood and after that she putted a bandage on his hand.

Once she was done ,she thought to leave the room so that Ayaan would leave to but

Before she could stand he pulled her towards him and pressed his lips against hers. This time it was a soft kiss unlike the other day.

Once he pulled away he hugged her tightly. "I always want to stay near you, but you keep pushing me away from you"

"I am sorry for yelling at you wifey" he says as he stands up from the bed "I love you, bye" he pecked her cheek and left the room , this time he used the door because there was nobody else in the house.

At night, After dinner Tara came to her room yawning , she took out her pyjamas from the cupboard and changed into them.

Just as she laid on the bed she heard her phone ring. She looked at the phone in awe " This isn't my phone " she said . She understood it was Ayaan's phone as she saw the number save  as "Wifey" with a heart emoji.

"Hello!" Both of them said in unison. Tara waited for him to say something, so did he. After a while he broke the silence "I forgot my phone there and brought your one with me" he said from the other side of the phone.

"It's okay" she gave a simple reply as she didn't want to exaggerate their conversation.

"You know, I found my number in your block list and i am the only person in your block list,funny right " he laughed there were many emotions behind this laughter,

"Don't think I m hurt okay, I just wanted to say that, I know you watch movies  and dramas midnight, so today you can watch them on my phone and the password is our wedding date"

Tara- I remember once he told me that after we get married he will change his password to that date.

"Okay" Tara replied in a dry tone. "Okay then bye and I Love you " he said and ended the call.

Tara kept the phone aside but she couldn't sleep. After tossing and turning on the bed for hours she took the phone and typed the password.

Once the phone was unlocked, the homescreen wallpaper melted her heart. It was a picture of her on the day of her Nikkah.

She opened his gallery only to find her photos in the gallery more than his. Some were edited pictures, where their pictures were in a grid with some lovey dovey quotes.

Being a curious and typical wife she checked his contact list. Some of them were business partners  , clients, his Dad and brother and her.

Her contact number was marked as favourite.

A  message popped up on the screen "Done checking out my contact list?"

"I have blocked all the girls because my wife won't like it" his message brought a smile on her face,

"I was just checking it and I don't mind if you add or block any girl's number "

"Sure" he said , "okay bye I need to sleep" she typed and sended the message.

"I love you , dream about us! " he replied

Soon  Tara dozed off to sleep and Ayaan was still awake, busy in

checking  out all her pictures and smiling like a fool.



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