
Assalamualaikum everybody.  Hope you all are doing good ♥️

Today is Roshni and Azaan's engagement everybody were busy with the preparation of the engagement. 

Tara was given loads of work by her devil phupo and Majeed didn't object . Why would he after all he hated Tara .

In the evening everybody were busy getting ready while Tara was still busy in the kitchen "I don't want to see your face in my daughter's engagement,  got it " Mr. Majeed said rudely and Tara nodded.

After one hour the Khan's arrived They greeted each other and Azaan sat on the chair which was specially made for the bride and groom. 

In no time Roshni came downstairs,  everybody were present there except Tara and this thing was disturbing Ayaan . Ayaan went upstairs to her room " What are you doing here " Both of them asked at the same time. 

"I don't want to attend any function that's why I am here . Now you say why are you here?" Tara asked him, Ayaan glared at her mischievously and said " I am here because my wife is here " .

Tara blushed a little on listening his words but at the same time she was angry with him.  "Come let's go somewhere" Ayaan said and pulled Tara with him before she could ask where they were going.

" Where are we going " asked Tara but Ayaan remained silent.  After half an hour they reached their favourite spot, The beach!. 

" Let's talk " Ayaan said and sat on the bench then pulled Tara on his lap " Ayaan what are you doing,  leave " she said " Before our wedding you didn't have a problem sitting on my lap , then what happened now?" Ayaan said looking at her.

"Marriage?" She left out a soft chuckle,  "my consent was never asked for this  so-called wedding" she said in vexation.

"You're right, There was no pre-wedding ceremonies held for our wedding " He said still looking deep into her eyes. Tara lifted her head only to meet his gaze.

"You know what along with Azaan and Roshni's ceremonies we'll completed our ones too. But there will be no one else apart from the two of us" He leaned in and whispered in her ears , sending shivers down her spine.

Ayaan took a ring from his pocket and slipped it into Tara's ring finger. " I always carry this ring with me, because it reminds me of you. From today onwards this is yours , Your engagement ring " he said with his gaze never leaving hers.

Unable to control her tears , she looked away "Leave me" she mumbled

While her gaze fall on the diamond ring which Ayaan gave her a moment ago.

"Ok you want me to leave you right? " he asked Tara who was busy admiring her beautiful diamond ring she0 immediately raised her head and found Ayaan staring at her " yeah leave me " she said sternly.

" Hmm okay you'll have to kiss me first then I'll leave " Ayaan said pointing his cheek , Tara for a second couldn't figure out what to do but then it was her only way to get off his lap .

She went forward and gave a quick peck on his cheek " now leave me " she said angrily " yeah for now i am leaving you but if I don't see this ring in your finger then I'll never leave you " He winked at her and left her .

Tara couldn't figure out what was he doing " Did he turn crazy" she thought.

"Yes, in your love" he came back and said . Her eyes widened 'did I say out loud ' ,

"You went right? Then why did you come back?" She frowned

"Yeah , when I went I realized that I left a beauty behind , so I came back to take it back with me" He replied with a sheepish smile.

He tried holding her hand but she jerked it off and started walking "Whatever" .

Azaan's pov

"Yeah baby you know I love you right?  I am just marrying her for revenge. Ok bye we'll talk later" I was talking to my girlfriend , Ruhi . I love her the most and hate Roshni .

I am just marrying her to exact revenge from the  Ahmad's , I'll make sure she is never happy in her life. 

After 6 months I'll divorce her and I'll talk to dad about mine and Ruhi's marriage. I'll ruin her in these 6 months . Roshni Ahmad you don't even have the slightest clue about what's going to happen after the marriage.

Roshni's pov

Finally I am getting engaged and that too with Azaan Khan . The man on whom I used to have a huge crush from the college days.

Gradually he became  more than a crush to me . Yep, I started falling in love with him , but I could do nothing  about it because of Majeed Baba and Bilal uncle's enmity.

But now they are friends again and I am getting married to Azaan!!! I am soo happy!!

I miss my parents I wish they were here but Majeed Baba never made me feel that I am alone , he loved me more than his daughter , what more can I ask for. Maybe Azaan doesn't have any feelings for me but I'll surely make this marriage work.



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