Earthquake (4): farmhouse- Rain

I puffed out a mass of that available locked air in my lungs, "You can't imagine how much grateful I am. You have saved my life."

"What are you doing here, didn't you see the notice?" Her tone sounded nice and peaceful, something that made my heart calm.

"Actually, I lost the way; I wish you can give me a favor and take me out." I pleaded.

"You want the way out. Well, follow me," she impressed me, the woman turned and I followed her like a goofy child. Hesitating there was something in the back of my mind; nothing was allowed to waste my time.

"I'm glad to see you, I'm new here that is why I lost the path."

"I see but tell me, what happened to you?" her eyes rolled on my weird figure.

I panicky sneered and it made a comical expression out of me, I knew what that look meant to say! My muddy casual clothes were the only thing that could surprise people at first sight.

"I fell off in a muddy pit, I ached all over, are you living around here?" I was curious because I didn't think that chasm was a normal place to jog around it!

"No, I don't, I have a temporary business here."

But how did she know the forest very well? Maybe she grew up there. To me, it was a tough pill to sneak around and never lose the way! Anyways it didn't matter to me. My eyes rolled on her as she pulled her hand into her basket, brought out a shining golden string, and handed it to me.

"Tie up your hair, you look scary." A beast she meant!

I nailed that string keenly, and said, "Are you making jackets?"

"Yes, it's my job! Actually, I'm a weaver."

It didn't surprise me. I liked it though and oftentimes I would weave to calm down my nerve. As I tied my hair up, I felt good, but suddenly all leaves shuddered. Black Crows flew up the branches! In the spring season? Here! Spring is not a season that you see a gang of them.

"Strange, nothing can stop this," she whispered.

"What?" I heard her but did not understand what she meant.

"I saw your brother; I'll take you to him." she saw my brother, but how didn't I?

"Oh… Alright, thanks," she rushed. In addition, I was wow, so fast at this age.

We got to the end of the road. I heard Chase calling me, I ran to him like a kid who just found her parents, and neglected her for a moment.

"Oh my lord, Tania where have you been? What happened to you?"

I turned back to introduce her, but she wasn't there anymore.

"An old lady brought me back, did you see her? She saved my life."

"What are you talking about? No one is here let us get back to the cottage. Can you walk on your own?"

I nodded and pointed out to his stick, "Give me that."

The sun melted behind the mountains, more like an egg yolk but stray clouds appeared fast and began to moan and cry! Or maybe were laughing at me for that messy feature! Therefore, their tears made me funnier than before so they laughed more!

The crickets were whistling, when we arrived at home. Lights warmed my heart. Dear technology you made us coward and addicted. I missed you while I hate you either way! At the edge of the crag I wished, I really wished time may rush back, might allow me to fix my life, and I' would pay what the condition is even if I have to be one of those silly Aligners of immortality court. I didn't want to be weak anymore.

Chase knocked on the door while I was frizzing. If it was predicted that spring rain was about to pour in the evening I would gladly wear a rain shelter. But it made me look even worse than before. Maybe if I had checked the weather service on my highlights it didn't turn down like this.

Mom opened the door; her eyes locked on me then bit her lips. The warmth hit my face. Too good. I was like a dog, which just received a giant bone.

"Oh, my darling what happened to you?" The way she behaved and glanced at me I felt that I truly transformed as a beast. We passed the entrance when Aron cachinnated, his hand on his belly laying on an easy chair.

"Aron Li, stop it since you're not in her place!" Mom urged.

I didn't care if my hair was disheveled and made me like a messy forest witch so just shook my head at that and frowned. Only a nice warm shower could help me to gain back my shape and some warm supper was able to manage to save me from starving. Mom led me to the bathroom. The house looked clean and well-designed though being still too small and unsafe.

"Stop laughing fool, wish you the same," I muttered! Couldn't tolerate Aron when he was mocking me repeatedly over his shoulder! My mouth tasted bitter and tang so the words like that coming out of it wasn't weird at all.

"No offense sister," he tried to cut it out, but couldn't afford it. He shifted his head to chase and said, "Go change your clothes then tell us, what's cooking here?"

I glided my cellphone on the table then turned to the bathroom for washing up. When I closed the door, heard them were talking about what had happened to me. Mom left to bring me clean clothes. I turned the tap to open it! Previously I just needed to touch a screen and set the water temperature or anything else, but about there, first I had to taste the hot water, which burned my skin, Ouch!

I closed my eyes, the smell of fetid mud rose. I felt queasy, couldn't resist my stomach, and puked out. If the toilet were not there another mess would come afterward.

Rapidly I washed my body then looked around, a two-by-two-meter bathroom and toilet, what a pity. As long as I was there bearing such a thing turned out to be the least. Two days was a life! How could I leave Mom there! My heart ached at the tough inkling.