Earthquake (5): farmhouse- Shake

I came out of the bathroom and the table was fully set. I had my seat. A bowl of carrot-chicken soup in front of me. It smelled good and was supposed to be spicy. I tasted the first spoon, tears rolled down on my cheeks before getting permission, the gulp in my throat hardly allowed me to swallow. I was sick of being weak.

"Don't worry, we will take back everything," my father said. His head down, playing with food.

"I'm glad that at least the food tastes like before, thank you, mom." I directed her, glancing at my bowl, I wished I could give a warm smile to my dad and pretended that I was fine, but it was a mere lie.

"Enjoy, I'm sorry for what you went through today," she kept eating and I nodded.

"It won't be like this, I found a farm managing job around here I'll leave by tomorrow they need a manager", Aron announced.

"And I am going back to the university," chase said, and my eyes rolled to Chase, he grinned and continued, "You'll get rid of us. But I promise to come sometimes to disturb you."

"I'm going to the village near here, there might be a school job for me." All my Mom could do was teaching math and it couldn't rescue us from debts just enough to afford them a living. Therefore, bringing back all the fortunes that my father talked about was just a dream, especially not since he was discharged from the hospital out of tension.

After dinner, I headed to my room. After Chase and I leave the room will be for Aron, I thought. I spread on the bed and my head kissed the pillow then I snuggled and embraced my knees; I planned to just sleep without extra annoying thoughts. My cellphone rang, the name was Roby Li. My cousin and the best friend ever. I picked the call swiftly but while being exhausted and sleepy. Her picture slipped out of the screen and appeared in the air, hovering in front of me. She was at the table like always and programming until late. A pure mouse potato, she was. The night was still young but who minded, I was sleepy.

"Hey, how are you doing? I've called you over ten times, you were inaccessible."

"I'm doing fine, just hanging out to the forest made me out of reach."

"Oh girl be careful about there, you scared me to the skin, and I've told you to stay with me here."

"I couldn't be ignorant and leave them alone; at least it is not the time. I will be there on Saturday. We deal with it."

"Okay, as you wish, tell me how is there? Did you settle in? The room looks clean but you look awful!"

"Yes we did, I'm about to sleep, can I call you back later."

"Fine, but don't keep me unaware of yourself."


"Let me know if you need something, Nighty- night."

I touched the end call and shut my eyes, hearing her voice warmed my heart like a melodious song but I didn't want to recall what had happened in that forest. She was the only friend who cared about me since we broke down.


Everything started to shatter. I opened my eyes in panic. As if it was clear, the house was too resistless. I got up straight, and then I could not keep my strides steady. Not only the house was shaking out of the earthquake also my brain was shivering and would not obey what I wanted.

I threw myself beside the bed and covered my head. Suddenly the walls ruined and fell on me before I make another small move. I could feel each scratch laying on my skin like seemed an invisible wild cat was ripping me apart. I heard mom was crying out my brother's name.

Moreover, all the pain faded away, my heart went on countless pounding ready to come out of my throat, "Take shelter Aron", Mom shouted, and beside it, Aron's voice, he was roaring back, "Chase…"

Then every voice died down in my head. I don't know how much time passed on us when I withdrew a piece of something that I think was the ceiling. It made pyramid-shaped; was sticking with the bed and did not piss me off.

I felt dizzy, but I knew that I shouted, "Mom, Are you fine?" No sound came in my response. My hands irritated and my head ached, my poor and blurry visions were like a broken picture on the TV, sailing on waves. It didn't permit me to walk well and steady. Tottery, I stepped further. Again, I called Aron and Chase, but not a single groan I could hear from neither of them. I touched my head; the red color of blood scared me, it was wet and smelled like iron powder, which splashed onto my face out of an unpleasant joke. I knew that I'm alive, but what about them? How long had passed?

The only things left from the previous house were just some walls. I passed through ruins. A male hand was there. I picked each piece of brick one after another. Chase was right there his head was bleeding. I touched his cold skin and the world went dim. I moved all the stones that I could and saw the soulless faces. I didn't know how but I dragged them all out of the ruin.

I drew the pieces away and with each breath, I screamed. The string over my wrist was glowing. It was the only light that led me to each of my family members. Those who I loved the most, I laughed with, I cried with, all were gone. The rain was lashing me and glued my clothes into my body, made the cold in my bones even worse. I was shivering when I stepped into the forest road. The time and life went into stillness and pushed me inside a hushed cell.


I opened my eyes and we were in front of the Attorney's office. The lights of boards teased my eyes so rubbed them away. Roby's car dropped us and drove to the parking. I heard the passengers' giggles more than normal! It was scratching my nerves and every low noise became loud screeches inside my head. I grabbed my head and knelt! Alerts, voices, all other sounds raided into my head, hammering my skull as harsh as they could. Roby took my arm and led me inside the office as swiftly as she could before it drove me crazy and I wasn't able to adjust myself.