An old friend

I wished to finish my meeting quickly then I would rather find an excuse to go in the immortality court. I wanted to see whom I was going to work with. I didn't feel like a spring chicken that I was, but like how Roby mentioned, an old peasant who was walking by force! Mr. Chen was not inside the office and we had to be patient for fifteen minutes. As he arrived, the secretary led us into his room.

The whole time we talked about the money and that I could receive the insurance within a week. Yes, a week. If that damn cursed earthquake would not come all the way that night or even a week later, my family were still alive.

The attorney was a thirty-four years old man. His eyes brown and had been working for my father for ten years. He began to clarifying everything to me. In addition, he ended the conversation quickly. It was written in my face that I couldn't endure being there more.

"Tania, I am sorry for everything you went through." The last thing he said I answered with a node. I hated that people felt pity for me and he had worn that expression since we entered the room.

We got up from the seat and walked to the door when he added, "Tania, go for a scan, maybe the headache is…"

"I am fine," I said drily. He mentioned the tumor but I had one surgery before and took it out. If there was something serious after picturing my head the hospital would call me not letting me be discharged simply.

We came out of there and my stomach was growling. It reminded me of that day again, I followed Chase, and got lost, my tummy was groaning the same way, and it was four days ago yet very fresh to be tolerated.

Roby led me to a restaurant and the beast inside me arisen for the Spicy buffalo wing. A waiter came over and scribbled our order. A few minutes later WR1 (waiter robot) brought us the food, served it, and with a cute robot accent said, "Enjoy," then moved away.

"Tania?" a warm voice called my name but at the same time tears rolled into my eyes and my heart pounded. I shift the tears to where they were coming while my eyes could not move away from him.

"Bo, what are you doing here?" I cursed myself, why I could not say something nice! I recognized his face after ten years and he looked amazingly handsome. Bo Wong was my childhood friend once, the only one that I never could replace someone with him. The one who used to take me to the shield and showed me how they cleaned the air and made the pollution recycle as an energy source.

Back to the past time when Chase and I were eight years old, he was eleven and we were living in Lake Vita, the capital of Las Vita with 20 million civilization. A mad city that I love its madness and never forgot its glory. Somehow, my soul belonged to that place mainly.

"I am here to visit my grandfather! How is everything with you?" He was warmly smiled.

"I am fine, this is Roby, my cousin, do you remember her." I was panicked and to hide my trembling hands, drew them under the table and began to scrub my palm. Why do I lose all those I love the most? We were entirely strangers.

"Yeah, I remember, how are you, Roby?"

"Good, thanks!" Roby said normally. But to me, it was so freaking dreamy.

"Would you like to join us?" I suggested.

"I had my meal, I won't disturb you guys enjoy. See you later."

He left and I was stunned yet watching him leaving. He was slender; his brown eyes got wider and not like the fat cute boy that I once knew! But even from miles away, I was able to recognize those eyes, lips, and his warm smile. I coughed, devoured the whole glass of water, and forgot to ask for his number. After we left Lake Vita, I contacted them but never found him after his father's sudden death then I thought he might not want to be my friend at all, and when Chase confirmed that thought, I gave in.

After having dinner, we sneaked out rapidly. The curious Roby couldn't wait to hear more about that night.

We drove back to Roby's apartment and she turned to the left side to go through a byway instead of getting to the streets with huge traffics. On the way back home I told her about all that had happened that day of moving to the farmhouse. I told her about the weaver and that boastful crane and how they left me to be near the shrine. She extracted each detail from me.

The narrow street that we entered was quiet, dubious dim and I didn't fancy the sense that shivered my heart.

"Tania?" Roby asked, lowered her speed.


"Do you have a secret boyfriend?" Roby peeked at me blankly.

That word choked into my throat and I coughed.

"What the heck is this question for?" It squeezed my brain to find a reason why would she ask me such a stupid question. If I had one she was the first one who I rather share with.

"Someone had paid your hospital bills and emphasized to be hidden! I insisted too much to realize who but the accountant didn't say a word." she raised an eyebrow like a suspicious detective.

"Was it the immortality court?" she added disdainfully.

I was stunned and had no idea who would do such a favor toward me! I wasn't that popular!

"I don't have a boyfriend."

"Maybe someone loves you secretly! Anyways you are beautiful and now eighteen."

"I don't think so!"

If that was true, I would not be so alone! Getting back to the university was a thorn in my shoes itself. There were many annoying people there that I didn't want to be questioned by them over that matter.

"Ai would test you, but never said what those are?" she asked to change the conversation. I was sure that she would find out soon even if she was supposed to hack the account! Just to get the name of that person. Anyways it was the first question after I retold everything and I knew that there were lots of that on the way.

"No, but I hope it doesn't harm anyone". The song's volume bothered my ears.

"Dora turn the song volume down," I asked the Car! Roby named her that way! She obeyed immediately and I heaved a breath of relief.

"What happened to your face, oh my god, Tania you... your.. eyes are… gold?" she shifted her head to me. It seemed to doubt everything! Then she began to pant. Her breaths got cold as if it was in the heart of winter and at the same moment, a layer of ice surged on the windows, streamed out on the whole car and I could hear a cracking noise.

I could see the seizing cold air was biting her skin.