
Roby handed me a cup of chamomile tea. She bent down, her eyes rolling near my arm to see if it was all the fact we went through, and my wound had healed entirely without leaving a simple scar.

I reached my finger out and pushed her nose out of my face. "Nothing left, I checked my body, come seat." I led her to a seat at the table. Gesturing like not every human was a nut about linking to immortality court. Maybe they were and it was only me, escaping from them! They were always supposed to go through overbearing situations. Moreover, I didn't want to involve my cousin in a dangerous position.

"Roby, you are not supposed to accept what Ai said, just ignore them and I would do so," I said, thinking that if I chicken out of their orders, soon they would send me away. Neither of them liked useless people.

"Why?" she asked, to my surprise she looked eager.

"What do you mean about, why?" I leaned back, peering into her face, trying to study her face.

"Why should I refuse her request? I prefer to work with them! Let me be honest with you. The company that I work with is getting boring. I am tired of being an accountant. It is not what I really am. I feel sick of it. By the way, you know that I am a fan of Aligners. Now we have one in our whole family! It is not easy to join them! Do you know how many people were rejected, in the final tests? They had chosen you accidentally, it couldn't be more amazing."


She held out her hand and grabbed mine. "You know how much I love you and respect you, but remember the time that dark wraiths seized and how we spent the nights. Even our Robots and technology couldn't handle that state. If it weren't for Aligners army, what would happen to us?"

I could remember those nights better than everyone else could. I saw one demon with my two eyes. One of those, which other children only could see in books of the dark world, squealing and rushing to their parents' bed, pleading the Gods to save their bellies from being torn. I took a sip of the tea to shove down the jostle of my brain.

"Alright, as you wish but I won't obey them blindly. The Underworld bar is not a place for an eighteen years old girl! I am self-protective and heard many disastrous rumors about there." I squawked.

My eyes rolled on the string, asking why would this string choose me? Couldn't it recognize the darkness within me? It had been concealed there, somewhere inside me that I have been fighting with. Since I keep up as a regular person, it won't move but anytime I do unlike it, the whistle in my brain rises, aiming to possess me. I have succeeded to flit it back. No one knew about it, not even my parents who found me with that tattered white gown beside the flume bridge. But I just sense this unknown thing.

Everyone loves the immortality court; even the Vita kingdom had been ministering them like gods. Maybe they were right and I was warier than a normal state. Maybe that dark force was interfering with my decisions.

A bell rang, ding, and at the same moment, four hologram pages slipped out of Roby's laptop, floating in the air.

"D, what are these?"

D was her laptop name. She had installed that robot last month to read her information, follow her usual orders that she didn't want to bother, and watch over them.

"Immortality court registrations for Tania Li and Robina Li," D announced and a drop of tea tumbled into my throat, about to choke me. I coughed and punched my chest while Roby jumped behind the monitor.

"Damn, this awesome wicked crane, they had taken me from the CS Company and hired me straightly! How fast, they are!" She babbled.

I got up and without paying attention to that spread on the sofa.

"Hmm, they have parties! No, wonder!"

I closed my eyes, imagining the old days with Bo. I saw him accidentally and yet at the thought, I could sense the throbs of my heart, sneaking to my brain. I was fascinated by how handsome our big-boned boy had become. He was a fat cute affable boy, unlike now. He had transformed into a lady-killer one who could walk around and seduce girls! Jealous! I was jealous!

The images in my head sprawled and faded away when she said, "Tania, can I ask a question about that night?"

"Which night?" my voice shivered, my eyes shot a peek, and I rubbed them away.

"Not the earthquake night, the night of fifth seize! What happened to you after I left your house? I remember, that I arrived home before dawn! How…" she wasn't able to ask what was in her head. Why would she ask me about it?

I just remembered scattered scenes. A black demon, a young aligner, screeches, water drops, mere darkness, and suddenly I woke up near the flume bridge on cold white snow.

"I don't remember how I end up there! But why would you ask this all of a sudden?"

I was curious if I did something wrong.

She touched a picture on the screen it moved out, hovering in front of me.

"This is your drawing that you passed me! You said that in your nightmares this devil tried to take you with him. Could it be a demon spell on your head? I mean maybe if you tell An about it, she might be…" she stopped, seeing my narrowed eyes made her think that way. To be actual, It wasn't a bad idea.

I was peering at the drawing. It wasn't clear, seemed I was anxious and didn't know what I was doing!

"I will." I blurted. As long as I was tucked in the Aligners squad, they were supposed to take care of these matters. Just for the sake of others and my safety. I needed them to scratch my back. If they had any cure for this sore that I was enduring, I couldn't refuse that.

"This is great, for the first time I heard something reasonable from you without nagging like a freak Nan!"

She mocked.

"I am not a freak Nan!" I threw her the pillow.

"You are, baby, you are!" she hit it back into my face and made me laugh.

"Go to sleep, Tania, and don't worry about that Bar! I will find a way for you to drag that dark crane out of there."

She said and held the pillow. I eagerly followed her order and walked to the room.

I stretched on the bed. Opening the towel over my head, I rolled to the left side.

"D, turn off the lights but keep the night one! I hate darkness." I mumbled and felt the fluffy pillow.

The bed thoughts were permanent beasts, raiding into brains that need to relax before exploding!

The underworld bar, a heaven for gamblers, perverts, Feral mafias, and other sorts of terrifying people. Even the smoke that I saw in videos streamed into my head. Even if I wasn't underage I wouldn't go and step among those freaks! As the thought lurched forward to distract me with scary disgusting scenes of that tavern, female and males wiggling in each other like worms, suddenly, Bo's face with a stunning girl emerged among the nonsense things. He wanted to become a singer, so he could end up there! What was wrong with me? I whipped it back and buried my face with the blanket. She said that would find a way for me to drag that dark crane out of the nasty underworld!