Dark feathers

Hearing screeches and whines, I got up panicky, as if an alarm had rung in my head or buzzing flies were teasing me to find a chance to intake my blood. Grasping a black leather mask and gloves on the table, I slopped down the window, following my new instinct.

I wasn't sure what I was about to do and had no idea who placed them there and how I remembered to wear either of them. It might be Ai, putting some spells on me to do what she wished! Could it be possible at all? I didn't know. My bare feet kissed the earth. The heartthrobs rushed over my chest, kicking and shattering my sternum.

I was running, as if I had mounted up an invisible hidden force, giving me a ride. It meant to be one of the essential gifts that had attached to what they have given me. The string had connected to my brain, to my soul, and making me more curious about Immortality court. Unlike other people, I knew nothing about them.

The lights and promoting boards stretched, passing by me like some hint of flashes, which were creeping along the lines that I crossed each. At the main square where the chippering crowd was, I halted. People turned and opened a path for me. They were shivering and looking at me in terror.

I rushed further, where the huge screens of the skyscraper were displaying aligners' commanders' pictures. The shuttle was motionless on the overpass railway bridge. People were screaming as the dark cloud took them under siege. Robot Flying polices were strolling around the cloud but shot by blades one after another and smashed on the ground before they even entered it.

While surveying around I noticed that I arrived earlier than any other Aligners might do. Before I think well, and consider my situation, like a novice jackleg I imagined a lash, hanging it with every near thing that I could rely on just to lead me up. It furled over traverses and dragged me up. I was showing the sudden reaction toward dangers.

It was a sharp whirlwind inside the dark cloud that forced my drawback. I knelt on one knee, tasting how it was scratching my skin like claws. My hair strands were lashing back behind me. If it wasn't for the sore that the situation was causing I could call it a nightmare. Unfortunately, it was a mere fact.

A chippering beast slipped past me as if was an enchanted nightmare that I had tossed inside it. I couldn't goof-off the condition until these beasts were roaming around.

I gazed ahead of me, blankly. Indeed, it wasn't an ordinary gale as I heard the wings, flapping, telling me that what the beings between them were. Helltrasus, birds with twin heads, long legs, and sharp claws that unluckily eat flesh. They had run through lands with that cloud, exhaling from their bodies. They were sensitive to any sort of light.

I remembered when I saw their images in the book of the dark world. I used to scream even after seeing the growler geese. Even getting by their sheds was terrifying. Its wings had blades and you wouldn't will that they embrace you between them. They were as red as the running hot liquid in my vessels.

And a bit of my blood splashed out of my left arm as a blade seized me. I dodged but, who would expect an infant to walk right after sneaking out under a navel!? I could hear, people screeched and the birds attempted to break the windows. The sound of their claws feared me, scrubbing, and pecking along with the train surface.

Moreover, I was dangling with the blades, coming to tear me apart and make me the first dish in earnest! Why would these beasts appear all of a sudden and bring chaos? At first, it was the Zaar and the next these beings.

The string weaved in a row and magically shaped like a spear to allow me to hit the rail and resist against the wind. After sorting out my balance, the string changed to a bow. Gladly, I had spent archery courses but I wasn't that successful in each shot, most of it dove in the sponge instead of the target. But my current yellow vision was on the point. Exactly what I needed, pulling the string an arrow emerged.

I could praise the weaver title for such a blessing. At least I didn't need to be worried about arrows or carrying a quiver. I aimed but didn't know, which part I must hit! The bird shrilled, its throats bloated out, and dodged my aimless shots.

It wasn't easy to stray around while these birds spinning around in the sky. But the people down there were filming and watching this damn show! I was disgusted that they were playing with their lives when I was struggling to save their asses.

One of the birds out of three seized above me. It rained the blades on me and I judged to catch on its throats. Somehow, I thought that I might hit the throats where its hearts were.

I was veiled in rage and fear when among those noises; I heard a baby's wail. It tossed me up on the bird back as I didn't need more reasons or inspiration to move ahead. I knew that there was no possibility to tame that beasty bird so I crept up.

The sharp feathers scratched my feet and I ignored them as the baby's cry stuck into my head repeatedly. Ella's face screened in my mind, my heart hammered in my chest.

As I reached the heads. My bow again changed to a long pointy spear and I dove it into one of the necks. The bird shrilled, soared, and tossed me down on the rail. As I knew, it wouldn't give up to let go of me after shooting one of its hearts down.

I was ready for the next step when something black and fluffy like crane's feathers grasped me and then let me be near the train. It was fast, very fast like wraith but I saw what it was. A black crane and as long as I knew there was only one of them who had darkened by Lashuka, the dark world king.

In a blink of an eye, the crane cut the remained throat and soared. Something that almost made me bear death and sleep in the grave was a foolproof move for that being. I blinked in wonder when the Helltrasus burned and I was more freaking frightened and entirely forgot my pain. Wasn't the dark crane a criminal that Ai asked me to catch? Should I catch this person, which could hunt me down in less than a second?

I climbed up the train to distract the two other birds. The place wholly had gone under siege of darkness. I saw two other aligners. Before those sharp blades sever my head, help arrived.

"Hey, tryo, welcome to Aligners." One of them shoved me out of a blade path, he was laughing, holding a gun, bouncing up on an FSN, (Flying skateboards,) spinning, and driving the bird madder. He approached and shot the throats! That seemed easy but I was bleeding and my bare feet, nightclothes have gotten as red as roses. I never was eager to attend a beast feast!