
I knew that they could beat down the beasts without me. But I was stubborn and had no intention to give up and accept the flunk. As the bow finished shaping in my hand, I aimed again to take my revenge. These beasts had started a play and disturbed, dragged me from my sweet fluffy cot.

"Hey, commander diamond, this tyro is a badass!" My teammate mocked, his frequent shots torn the Helltrasus wings. The bird was shielding its wings to protect the hearts.

"Watch out copper! Weaver, get out of the cloud and help Silver inside the residential building." The diamond commander condescendingly ordered and I keenly obeyed.

I jumped down and saw the black-armored cars and robots that were leading people out of the nearby troubles. The building was burning and Silver was dangled with two Zaar wraiths. I crept forward to help her when she cried out. Once I arrived there the building was fine but what had happened all of a sudden?

"Weaver inside the building, bring the people out."

Why should it be fire? The explosion of the energy cube source was right the next occurs. My eyes caught the nearest hydrant and the Zaar was sensitive to water. If it could drain them, I would gladly ruin it. I pulled the string and without thinking about the consequences, I fired the arrow. It sat right on the hydrant and tossed it away. Water stormed out and I wiggled inside the building. Savior robots were inside but the massy and fire blocked their way. Their alarms were alerting and scanning the heat. The building was old without compulsive stairs. Crap! It could trap people.

"Savior, leave and go behind the building and the roof, support people from there, and led them to the next building through the roof."

They flew out to follow my order. In their setting, they were set to follow Aligners. I crossed the smoke and saw the Zaar wraiths ascending the stairs swiftly. They couldn't find any better situation to catch the living souls. No one wanted to imagine what would happen when the wraiths began to intake the light. They rather take soul; skin and every organ that you have, moreover only your sheer bones remain. A skeleton. They can shape like your previous feature and mislead others to gain more light. Zaar means devourer and it really suits them!

I forgot my pain, ignored my maimed feature that looked like red chewing gum.

"Help, Help," This voice was familiar, coming from the second floor. But how could it be possible? Why should on the earth my sister, Veronica be there? Ella! A heat overflowed through my body. Was it practical in my family to attract darkness?

"Hey, idiots." I distracted the Zaar. It worked and they surged to snitch me. Sequent shots left my bow and tossed the wounded demons out of the windows, hoping water take easy on Silver to knock them down. I roamed to the second floor where the cry came, I could be watchful or worried about myself when Ella was in harsh hazard. The doors were wide, string left out a light, leading me on the left side, and three Zaar were inside.

One of them had gotten a woman and describing what it was doing could be cruel. It clawed the woman, devouring her entirely. Veronica was under siege of the two and her back on the door side, holding a pink cube light, trying to evade Ella's witness of the slaughtering process.

"Aunt?" Ella simply recognized me under that mask and bloody feature. Her little cute voice was mixed with bawling. Two other beasts glanced at me, showing bare teeth.

"Go to the roof, walkthrough stairs before the fire reaches there," I sneaked ahead, yet covering to make sure she wouldn't see my face. My voice was already thick as the gulp in my throat getting bigger. All I wanted to do was to let it burst out and burn those gawky nasty beasts.

They aimed to take my Ella and it was unforgivable. I shielded myself toward them and could hear her steps, running out of that mess. No parley could work on these life-devouring thieves while their integrity had made it to be like this.

Thus far, they seized me. I fired the arrows and they dodged on the ceiling, creeping along with it. One passed by me and with its sharp fork-like paw scratched my hip. I bent in sore, it wasn't normal for me and I needed time to digest the situation. The smoke streamed out around me and I could sense the heat, coming down from the third floor and made it hard for me to see those dark beings that could conceal well. I stifled the fear and the intolerable air.

I knocked down one, picked the dark coin, and stuffed it in my pants pocket. Any possibility that they might rise again was freaky. I seized for the chair and broke the window. A savior was outside and the firefighters were down there but Aligners kept them away from the building. I grasped all of that in a glance and I was sure that the building would explode.

It was a purposely-set fire, the first floor and the third one were burning, and I was in the second one sieged and involved with fire and three Zaar that were moving through the smoke and I couldn't notice them.

Either of the scratches on my body crept away when I remembered Ella's teary eyes. I closed my eyes, replacing everything with her laughter, playing with my hair, attempting to wake me up, and dragged me out of the bed. I was supposed to focus and ignore every wound. I opened my eyes and the string was glowing out a huge light, made them cast by it, turning to a long lash, my magical weapon gave me more chances to live another day and see another sunrise.

I whipped one and dragged it to myself. The end of lash turned to a blade and I thrust it into the being. It turned into a coin and I went for the next ones. To my surprise, their figures attached and made up a strong one. It punched and glued me to the wall right after I turned to hit it, grabbed the right hand that I kept the string tightly but until I couldn't move my hand it went truly useless, no matter how many weapons it could have become.

Something like a dark crystal appeared in Zaar's hand and dove it into me. I was gasping, the exhaling process in my lungs locked there, giving me a mind-blowing situation. I chewed my lip, it didn't seem to be fair that I experienced this mass of sore through a few days. To let it out, I shrilled as hard as I could, thinking that I could get out of that building was a dream. I had begun a journey to hell.