
My eyes rolled down. I thought there might be a huge hole in my stomach but instead, the string was there. It had shielded over my body and I didn't know when my thoughts scrolled up about having an armor. That black crystal sword didn't tear me in half but the sore smashed my brain. I was gasping; the world across me began to shake. The beast was burning and I was sure that my condition was in a state that I couldn't even lift a finger.

Maybe Ai was after the wrong person to catch. I saw the handsome face and the blazing hazel eyes. The rest of his body had veiled by dark silky feathers. Maybe Roby was right and I was making a mountain out of a molehill. The Aligners were truly aligning the state of our life, keeping us away from harsh hazards. I fell but before spread on the floor, strong hands grabbed me. My savior left me to be there after saving my life for the second time.

I opened my mouth to ask his name. I wanted to know who he was; he vanished after the smoke and a shrewd gale of flames lashed the air and rippled behind him. The noises rose, "Weaver, are you there?" it was a girl's voice.

"Here, I… am… here." I couldn't realize how much loud my voice was. I clutched the floor trying to stand but it was harder than I assumed.

Someone with a gas mask entered the quarter. The pictures were yet shivering, my body had gone numb, and I didn't know why. She pushed me up, making me rely on her then she rushed to the window, activated her flying skateboard, and a moment later we were out of that cursed building. The wind kissed my face and made love with my lungs to help me get rid of the heat within me. I saw Veronica, holding Ella she was talking to Roby and some other people. Their feet bare just like mine. Surely, Ai called my cousin and dragged her to that mess.

We landed. The cloud was gone; my teammates were beside an armored car, jostling, laughing, and complimenting each other. What a joke was it? It was scary for me! I saw a woman died in front of me and I delayed to help her, my sister and her loving daughter were right at the margin of the death door.

I closed my eyes, kneeling on the ground; I felt the hand on my shoulder. The girl who arrived like an angel removed her mask. From her uniform, I realized who she was. But wasn't she too young for such a position? I could swear that she wasn't more than seventeen. Her big eyes were brown, her hair was dark brown, short and wavy. She was wearing a cute smile. I could see how brave and strong she was. She had put on a brown tailcoat suit and it had embroidered with the Cadickus badge.

An eagle that held a branch of an olive tree in one claw and a pen of justice in the other one.

She held a small stick that I knew what it really was, a sword.

They are notorious judges who have been identified as the best warriors in Vita Kingdome. They survey crimes and no brutal case can slip out of their hand and sight. They have been living in Hekhamen province and could have been considering as the king's eyes. The summoners of peace and justice who youths would beg to enter their Academy. Cadickus Academy was the outstanding one among all Academies. But I chose science Academy to be away from any brutality.

"Are you alright?"

I shook my head. It wasn't a proper question. In the time, I turned back to see the misfortunate building, but it made me swallow. With a whined of cracking and exploding the building turned to dust. I was thinking about how she took me out of the smoke and ash. In the meantime, the dark crane defended my life two times and I was supposed to capture him. The throb in my nerves increased.

I rubbed my sight from the flames and turned to the girl, yet sitting, "Thank you!" I could be there and burn but she despite knowing either possibility entered and saved me.

"Don't mention it. By the way, I am Patrise collinaze."

"I am the weaver!" she knew it already, but being goofy was a part of my personality. She smiled.

"What the hell are you doing here, Weaver?" Ah, that boastful bird couldn't find another time to emerge.

I sifted my head to her side; she was standing on my left side. Beside her were my teammates that I could see their eyes only. Diamond had glowing blue eyes and his hair as black as the night sky. Copper, had eyes like copper and his hair dark brown! Silver had silver eyes and hair, obviously! All had worn Aligners uniforms with the alchemy sing of their titles that had attached to their chest. I wasn't sure if either of them were human.

"I don't know! I thought you…" I swallowed the rest of the words.

"You thought what? To come and die here?" She mocked.

"Ai…" Diamond aimed to speak but she raised a hand and stopped him to go furthermore, he frowned; I saw how his mask wrinkled and clenched his fist.

I didn't like that they feel pity toward me and hated the reason that caused those looks.

"I just sensed the danger and wiggled out of my bed." I stifled, she looked very surprised, and it meant she didn't put hexes on me to draw me there. Whoever had done this I was glad.

"Alright, you have to report this to An, now go home. Patrise, you take her home in a private car." She turned back to take the leave.

"Aligners, you come with me." She babbled.

"Well done, Weaver!" Copper declared and walked to her.

"Hey, Ai!"

She looked back over her shoulder, raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"You forgot your coins." I opened my fist, showing her the haunts that I have hunted for her. She lifted a finger and four coins hovered to her.

"Make sure that next time they won't sever your head. We cannot fix beheaded ones." Her eyes were fixed on the string, which was yet like armor on my body. She smirked and turned her face.

Many questions were squeezing, and clutching my brain. Why was veronica here? Who was that woman? Why the dark forces have been showing up again? And who brought me out? What should I do with the dark crane? I wanted the grating thoughts to sneak out of my skull and go fly a kite if it was quite possible. The string rolled around my wrist and I felt it had been healing my wounds. But this time I swallowed the sore down.

I saw Roby who was peeking at me. She knew that it was impossible to come closer but I could see her pleading eyes, asking me to be careful and stay alive.