Stitching the skins

Across from Patrise and me, the last version of the IQB9 SUV deep black car stopped. She reached a hand out and said, "Let's take you out of here."

The auto door moved away and we got in.

"Hey sister, where should I go?"

"To the Cadickus department, make sure you will shut the cameras down for a minute." She was so professional. To keep my identity safe she wanted to take me out from there. Anyways, I couldn't go to Roby's apartment like that, my clothes veiled in blood. People had recorded many videos and I was the glowing freak who jumped in that beasty show. With those clothes and wounds, even insects could recognize me.

I cringed as the cold rushed along with my skin. My clothes were wet and I coughed. "Have you cold?"

Patrise's brother asked and my eyes rolled on him. Before him announcing his presence, I had no attention on him who was gazing at us from the front mirror. His hair as white as snow, his eyes blue, and his skin paler than Patrise. His shoulder broad and I could guess that he was tall. A Fae. One of the most handsome ones that I have ever seen, strolling around the city.

Unintentionally, I was staring at him and I forgot to reply to what he asked. However, he set the heater. It was weird too, seeing a Fae giving me a ride. Most of them hated Las Vita's technology and would rather the traditional lifestyles like Ethra in the north of Vita and Cavern state in the south where each throne of Vita had sat there. Maybe Fae's in Hekhamen had settled with this sort of lifestyle.

"Are you alright, you look panic."

Yes, I was nervous about everything that was about to happen. I was sure that my face was simply speaking to them, something was going on in my mind and out there in shadows.

"I am trying to be okay!" I babbled.

The siblings exchanged glances and I knew what they were mulling! Thinking that I wasn't all set for the arena that I jumped inside it, I was wholly agreed with them!

"Calm down, everything will be alright! He is my brother, Enammer. We are way too prudent."

She didn't need to mention that they are prudent! I was praying that this night ends far faster. At least time could take easy on me; therefore, as soon as the first gleam of sunlight splashed out, I would go to An, asking her to paint me entirely before those wraiths slash me in half. This way I could be less similar to a buffoon.

"Are you guys half-bleed?" I snapped, couldn't hold my curiosity at the bottom of my stomach. At the first sight, I noticed that her brother isn't human.

Patrise shook her head and denied to my surprise.

"Enammer is my stepbrother. Well, now you tell us! What was wrong with you? We were watching you through car monitors. How did you appear in the uproar that almost pissed us off?! I was praying you don't jump up into the cloud!" She surveyed me from toe to head. No normal person would do such a move, especially with the unsecured nightclothes that I went to fight with sharp blades!

"Seemed my prayers couldn't reach neither of the Gods!" she added.

I was gawking at her for a short while, letting myself begin but I had nothing to start with! As I noticed, she condescendingly attempted to extract details out of me! Eventually and unwantedly, I was standing under the banner of Vita emperor and I had to serve it, here for immortality court or elsewhere! We were all in the same boat.

Despite my previous dismay, now I wanted to take a part of it and all of this urge had surged within me when I saw my sister and her baby girl in that situation. I had to get rid of that selfishness. My life had changed and if I didn't accept, it was going to leave me in dark, smashing me down under fangs and claws of dullness. For protecting them, if I had been up to continue my life as one of the Aligners soldiers, I would eagerly bow to my destiny.

While playing with my fingers, digging at the corner of my thumb, I confessed.

"I don't know. It was like an inner call, making me rise and protect Vita. At first, I assumed that Ai might be behind it but you saw how she scold me! It meant that she didn't put hexes on me to have some fun or force me to attend my missions. It is supposed to say that I can't chicken out simply!"

My eyes rolled over, watching outside of the window. The colorful light tapes were dancing on passing by weariless people's faces. The city appearance was beautiful to me but under its skin, greedy bully loathsome worms were about to fret the flesh and spoil it, making it a paradise of parasites.

"So who saved you?" She asked unexpectedly.

"I didn't know him! but how did you figure out that someone saved me?" I was stunned; keenly I wanted to know her answer.

"Actually, I didn't see anyone! Once I saw you there you had your string grew over your body, shielding you! Moreover, you had no weapon to defend yourself so there must be someone who killed the wraith! Did the Zaar attach?" she explained, seeing a bright person was a blessing. If she was living in Rose Vita, we could make it out, becoming good friends. One of those that I never had!

"Disappointing, I really wanted to know who that person was! He saved me twice! Maybe he was a Fae or an immortal." I let out a white lie. I couldn't ignore how the dark crane backed me up. It was then at least I could do for him if he wanted these people to find out about his presence, he would simply show up in front of them! Even their cameras couldn't spot him.

"We will find out, but can you do me a favor? I have to record your plea. I am supposed to render them to Cadickus court and they are a bunch of dotage shrewish hoar that couldn't be more strict than this." She grumbled.

Her brother let out a peal of laughter, confirming his sister. This was saying that I wasn't the only protester. I was claiming that the courtiers were letting their ethics swim in the coastline nakedly! Or could be unlike it, they believed we do so.

However, my generation was excessively far from what they believed. Trolls have been calling their elders slothful because they are avoiding them from taking part in Autosports. In each race, we barely could finalize with our elders in either aspect!

The saintly ancestors of all races have been treating us as if we were loblollies and they were supposed to peel off our skin, restoring underneath with hays of experiences, and then stitching it as tight as they could do to make sure those beliefs wouldn't escape out!

Fae clans had succeeded to do so! Maybe, those ineffective Gods took their wings for such a term of behavioral and since fifty hundred years ago no Fae babies were born with wings! Wrong beliefs brought them curses, In my opinion.