

I could not see where the bullet sat as my vision blurred. But I was sure it was somewhere on the white wall, not the target.

"One more time, this time focus." Commander ordered, his tone was getting harsh.

I tried ten times and on the last attempt, my bullet sat on the stomach of the target. 

I was tired of it but they persuaded me to do more. Then I decided to used the power of string vision. It always allowed me to focus three times more than my own.

"Three plastic bullets left and then we are going for the real ones." 

I found that my T-shirt glued to my skin. I focused and let the string hold my strength back together then I fired. I just wanted to run away from there.

The bullet sat on the head then I released the next one and the last one.

"No use of string!"

I puffed as the commander complained.

"I can't do it in one session." Finally, I spoke my heart as a growler.

"But you can learn it." He responded.