
Guns and blades

I was scrolling Edward's message up and down. I read it uncountable times yet could not be tired of it. I missed his voice calling me bunny although I hated that he named me.

Roby_ Hey growler, be careful out there and always keep your earrings with you, this way I can check on you or see that you are alive.

It was Roby's text that slid out of my Cellphone.

Me_ Don't worry about me, an army is out there.

Roby_ Go to demon contents, read Resgole. The frightened emoji was at the end.

Me_ Alright, stay alive. Where is Edward? Is he fine?

Roby_ He is fine, Did you know that he is very close to Bo and Delun?

Me_ No, but I guessed because they were upset with him when he came back to the court after a long time.

Me_ I have to go! Stay in touch.

_ I love you, Roby!

_ Ough!

Me_ Sick pig! Angry emoji tagged.

Roby_ I am. Tagged demon emoji.

"Wow, who is that? You talk to her entirely out of manner!" Res said.