
Lady Hiravan: Ash

  Leharin's expression shifted from shame to horror. He found himself running forward. A black and winged ghost, beheaded one of the men and threw it in front of his feet, made him halt. Shock arrows were fired aimlessly. It was dodging all of it.

  Mahiron, the commander shouted furiously, "Do not waste the arrows, you idiots". 

Leharin ran to his bow and picked it up. In the depths of darkness, he saw a man who had no face. He was tall as an umbra. The other guards dismounted. The other maids hid under Queen Zahiren's cart of gifts for the other Queen.

The yellow leaves rose from the ground as the wings made blowing winds on each side. It was howling sharply. Out of the thorny bushes came red-clad men, covered faces and stripped the swords. They had strange black hairless dogs with themselves, they were not normal, maybe had been medicated. They raided ahead.