

Delun and Enammer were cooking for us. I glanced at Sara and Sola. He was gazing around when he said, "are you, magicians?"

His eyes were on the pixies who were sitting on the table. 

"Not yet! I am still waiting, why did you escape the orphanage?"

He folded his hands, "did you ever heard of Blackwood orphanage?"

"No! What's the problem with them?"

  I asked, looking at Roby and Pat, they shook their heads. They did not have a clue what the problem was with them.

"I heard the managers were talking. They said our parents were assassins and disobeyed so they killed them and brought us here. I heard one of them saying that we children are lucky that the society, wouldn't kill us!"

I swallowed hard. What this child was saying? A society of assassins who were under cover of an orphanage, what?

As the little one studied out shocked faces and opened his mouth Delun and Enammer burned something after hearing that.