A Summer To Remember

School days have gone by so fast, every day in school we decided to keep our relationship lowkey. No one in campus knows except for the people who were at Theo's birthday party of course, well that was just our class minus some people that didn't come to the party, so I guess it was okay. We told them to not tell anybody as we don't want to attract too much attention from other people.

Finally, the school year has ended, freshman year has ended, I ended up on top of our batch. I really didn't expect this because I was just a new guy after all in this school. But nonetheless, I was so happy that I have achieved top of my batch, and so was my parents, and of course, my dearest Destiny Tomkins. She was in the top 10 also, and I'm so proud of what she has achieved.

Summer break has officially started, and almost everyday Destiny comes over at our house. We would watch movies, listen to music, play some videogames, and fall asleep together on the couch.

"I wish we were like this forever" I kissed her forehead.

"Me too" she replied.

"Do you want to go on a picnic on our first date in the summer?" I asked her.

"Sure, why not?" she responded.

"Great!" I exclaimed.

We went to a nearby picnic grove, just me and her. We settled down on the green grass field with our mat, and our picnic basket that is filled with peanut-butter sandwiches. After we ate some sandwiches, we thought of what to do next.

"What if we ride a bike? We can rent a bike here in the grove" I asked.

"Sure Wally! I would love to" she replied.

We rented a tandem bike, I let her in front so she could ride us to wherever part of the grove she wants, and I was at the back.

"Okay, so to operate a tandem bike, our feet should be coordinated and in sync" I told Destiny.

"Alright" she replied.

And I'm not really surprised. We were coordinated and in sync. We rode around the grove for some time, just enjoying the sunlight and the wonderful day that we are having.

When nightfall came, we laid down in our mat and just looked up into the stars.

"Dessie, what was the moment you think our stars aligned?" I asked her.

"Ever since you became my best friend, I think that was when the stars aligned. It felt like, it was meant to be, so it could all lead to this, with what we have right now" she replied.

"You really are the most beautiful lady I have seen my dear Ms. Destiny Tomkins" I responded.

"How about you Wally?" she asked the question back.

"For me, there were too many. One could be the first day of school, because it was when I met and saw you for the first time. It could also be when we were at that theater and you snuggled into my arms. But I guess it was our first kiss in that birthday party, because in my mind, nothing mattered, I didn't care if people were watching, it just clicked, you know?" I replied.

"You really are the cutest and most handsome guy I have seen my dear Mr. Walter Simmons" she responded.

And she snuggled into my arms, and I kissed her forehead. We were fetched by my father at around 10 o' clock in the evening, and Destiny decided to stay for the night because it was too late.

"Wally, can you sleep beside me? Just for tonight" she asked me.

I was supposed to sleep on the floor with my sleeping bag.

"Well, sure. I would" I smiled at her.

I guess she is most comfortable when she is wrapped in my arms in the dark.

A few summer days have gone by, we've gone to many dates, at the mall, movies, even had an outing with my family, the Simmons' together with her family, the Tomkins'. Well, both of us doesn't have siblings yet. I said yet because pretty soon my mother is going to give birth to my brother that is 7 months in her womb already, but with Destiny's case, she is the only child. The sad part is that her father didn't come to that outing. They said he was busy, but I didn't buy it. I knew something deeper was going on because of the look on their faces when they said that. But anyways, I was happy to go to an outing with Destiny and her mother, and my family.

A week after that outing, it was my birthday, the 30th of July. I was pretty excited about being 16 because it means I finally get my driver's license and I would everyday drive myself to school, and as well as I get to fetch Destiny everyday from their house. I woke up at around 9, and I excitedly went out my room and go downstairs, but I didn't saw anyone.

"Hello? This isn't funny mom and dad!" I shouted.

I walked to the living room and I saw Destiny.

"Oh, Destiny, why are you here this early?" I asked.

"It's your day, duh, of course I'm here this early" she replied.

"Where's mom and dad?" I asked again.

"No clue" she replied.

And my face was in a frown. I know that I'm a teen already, but my parents being absent on my birthday is a big deal for me.

"Hey, cheer up. Come here" she told me.

And I went to her arms. A little later, she told me to stand up. And she put a blind fold on me.

"Alright, drop the game, come-on, I know this is some sort of surprise" I told Destiny.

"Relax my dear Walter Karl Simmons" Destiny teased me.

"How did you know my middle name is Karl?" I asked her.

"I have my ways" she answered.

"I never really told anyone my middle name but sure you get to address me with my full name because you're my dear beloved Destiny Quinn Tomkins" I teased back.

"Oh really, we're going to address each other with our full names?" she laughed.

"Well, I have my ways of knowing even if you haven't told anyone your middle name" I laughed back.

And she walked me out of the house, and I am still blindfolded. It was a short walk, we arrived at where we were going. We arrived at our subdivision clubhouse, judging by the smell of the swimming pool.

"I think I know where we are. We are at the subdivision clubhouse, right?" I asked Destiny.

"Wow. You really are so fantastic at guessing. Correct" Destiny replied.

And she untied my blindfold, and everybody greeted me happy birthday. My parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, my cousins, and as well as my childhood best friend, Anna Lee.

"Hey Anna! Long time no see!" I walked towards her and hugged her.

"Yeah, we've never been in touch after middle school because I went to a different high school" Anna told me.

"Sorry, but I'm glad you're here" I told her.

"Me too" Anna replied.

"You two look adorable hugging each other" Destiny laughed.

"Anna, meet my girlfriend, Destiny, and Destiny, here's my best friend, Anna" I introduced them.

"I kind of know her already because your mom put me to this job to bring you here and of course I know the guests, but yes nice to meet you Anna" Destiny told Anna.

"Nice to meet you too Destiny" Anna said.

We had a good time that day. I admit, I did spend it mostly with Destiny rather than with my best friend or my cousins, because it's my first birthday that me, Walter Simmons, have a girlfriend, and I wanted to celebrate more of my birthdays with her, and her birthdays with me.