
Yun Tian charged at the man with great speed and used the deadly flash skill to try and kill the man before he could even react; that would be his best chance. A flash of light appeared and then...

The man crashed down from the branch towards the ground. He created a crater where he landed far away from the original branch he was standing on while also having gone through and broken many trees. Once the dust cleared up the man reappeared.

He stood straight and stared at Yun Tian with an angry scowl on his face. He was holding a sword of his own with no injuries to be seen on him, but he thought inside 'That was close I didn't expect this brat to be that devious! He attacked me while my guard was down! But that's not the important point. What is with his strength and speed!? He is way too strong for a newly advanced dantian building expert!'

'Also what is with his level of attainment in his skills they are on the same level as my own comprehension of my low grade spiritual skills. Based on the energy fluctuations while his qi might be very strong I can feel from him he hasn't advanced long ago. Even with that being the case he has already trained skills meant for dantian building experts to this extent. He is way too talented. He needs to die here since I have established enmity with him. I can't allow him to escape, plus I want that skill.'

'I know that deadly flash skill he used and since I can block it's deadliest form it's known for he shouldn't be able to deal any real damage to me. Still though, I have to kill this kid fast in case something goes wrong.'

With the man finishing that thought he yelled "Your dead kid" and charged at Yun Tian utilizing his own movement technique that is similar in nature to Yun Tian's own movement technique. As he saw thus Yun Tian realized why he could evade his senses.

Yun Tian jumped down from the branch and met him head on since he knew he had no other choice. He had to kill this man so he could live and he couldn't even run away.

While Yun Tians sword skill is most known for it's form that is excellent for assassination it does have many other forms as well that focus on speed so he wasn't lacking a technique to face off with his opponent. His opponent used a sword skill that focused on using great strength and was therefore slower than Yun Tian. So during the fight Yun Tian with his great speed of attacking and dodging could attack much more than his opponent. He could do little damage though, since the man also had a defensive skill that created a barrier of qi on his skin.

The other forms in the skill had great speed, but could deal much less damage to opponents than the main form. Therefore Yun Tian was even being suppressed by his opponent since he could mostly ignore Yun Tian's attacks. From the outside it would like Yun Tian was being played with by his opponent since neither could finish the other, but Yun Tian was hitting his opponent it just wasn't doing anything.

He kept on dodging and attacking many times but it did little to help.

He thought 'I may be much faster but that doesn't matter if I can't harm the opponent. I am much stronger than others in my same cultivation layer, but he is still a whole layer above me and his sword is also a low grade spiritual weapon while mine could only be classified as a quasi spiritual weapon. I have to do something that will turn the tables in my direction otherwise I will run out of qi first and die.'

'Ah! I know how to win this. I was only in the very beginning of grasping spirit for my skills before and that was when I was a meridians opening cultivator. Now I am a dantian building expert and am a fused Yun Tian with greater comprehension and talent. Combine this with the great battle I am in currently that is life threatening. I may be able to increase my comprehension of the skills very quickly and kill him that way. Mom and Dad always told me the best way to grow was through battles. I hope it's true.'

So he continued exchanging blows with his opponent and by now his opponent had started getting slightly complacent thinking there was no way for Yun Tian to kill him. Yun Tian mobilized his qi to the greatest extent he could to fight and tried comprehending the spirit of the skills he was using while in a life and death battle.

With each time he performed the skills he would gain a slightly higher comprehension of the skills. By now the man had noticed something was off too and thought 'What!? Why is he getting stronger with his attacks and faster!? Is he advancing in cultivation or using some secret skill? What!? No that's not it it seems like he is increasing his comprehension of his skills during our fight.'

'Is he treating me as a training dummy? How is comprehending them so fast? Even though this is a life and death battle it doesn't explain how is doing this so quickly. I have to kill this kid before he gets any stronger. Especially before he reaches complete mastery, then I will probably die. If he uses the ultimate form of deadly flash after he reaches complete mastery in the skill I don't think I would be able to survive with the strength he has shown so far.'

After the man realized what Yun Tian was doing he completely disregarded defense and left it to his defensive skill and went all out to try and kill Yun Tian. The attacks were still bearable without him defending with his sword. For now...