
Once the man gave up on defending with his sword, his attacks naturally became much more fierce and Yun Tian had to be much more careful.

He thought 'It's a good thing I have increased my speed so much by gaining a deeper comprehension of fleeting steps. If he had done this from the beginning things might have been much harder. At the same time though the pressure he is putting me under is also a good opportunity as it will force me to go to even greater heights in my comprehension.'

Yun Tian thus focused on dodging and attacking and he gradually became much faster whether it was in attacking or dodging. It was getting harder for the man to withstand his attacks. At some point, Yun Tian seemed to have realized something and he instantly became much faster. He was as swift as wind and just as fleeting. The man could barely catch his shadow.

Yun Tian thought inside his mind 'So it was all about being as fleeting as wind the whole time. You have to move with the air as if you are wind. it is not just about doing the exact movements and applying as much force as possible when stepping on the ground. It is all about reducing the air resistance.'

While Yun Tian was having his happy moment of inspiration the man screamed in his mind 'NOOO! He has reached complete mastery for his movement skill! HOW!'

The man was scared thinking that he would probably die now. He was desperate. He had no cards left to play and Yun Tian had just become so fast that he could barely catch up.

'No it's alright as long as I leverage my higher levels of qi it will be fine he can't hurt me right now. That was just a fluke. There is no way he can do it with his sword skill as well. There is no way. He is so much younger than me and an entire layer below. I haven't even reached complete mastery with one skill. I refuse to believe he can do it with two! I refuse to believe I will die! I just have to wait.'

After this happened the man had mostly given up on killing Yun Tian right away and decided to drain him of qi so he stopped being so reckless and instead was much more defensive, while still attacking periodically forcing Yun Tian to dodge.

What he didn't realize though was that after breaking through to complete mastery of his movement technique Yun Tian used barely any qi to use it anymore. Since he was basically fusing with the wind while moving it was easy for him and required little qi. Him attacking barely made him exhaust any qi to dodge.

At this point the man was little more than a live target for Yun Tian. He even thought 'Him being this defensive has made it much easier for me to attack and comprehend my skill now. Though I could easily run now that my movement technique has reached complete mastery, but I see no reason why I should... One part of me just says to run away so I don't have to kill him and the other says to try and kill him.'

He slightly slowed down with his movements amid his confusion and the man only didn't notice this since he had become so defensive, otherwise it could have cost him dearly.

'No why am I getting so confused! I could have died just now! No being soft hearted! This man needs to die! Focus on the fight!'

As he thought about he needed to kill the man and through his repeated attacks on the man he realized what he was missing 'So that's what it was. I had understood the part of the skill that focuses on speed. But I had completely overlooked the deadly part. I was missing murderousness and intent to kill.'

After he had these thoughts his attacks started bursting with intent to kill and becoming stronger. Even with man's double layered defense of his skill plus defending with his sword it was getting hard for him to defend. He realized something and was terrified. He noticed that Yun Tian was approaching complete mastery with his sword skill as well.

He screamed "What are you! Why are you so talented! You are so young and an entire realm below me! Your weapon isn't even a complete spiritual weapon! Why! Why am I losing to you! I am a whole layer above you! How could the heavens be so unfair! I refuse to believe I will die to you!"

Yun Tian hadn't fought many people before and he had never talked to beasts during battle. One part of him said to reply but he quickly suppressed that thought and reaffirmed his intent to kill focusing once more.

After the man screamed, he once more gave up on defense and attacked recklessly. By now, his skill could no longer completely block Yun Tian's attacks and he started suffering light wounds over his body.

The man by now looked crazy like a man on the verge of dying with cuts all over him, but still attacking recklessly. He was no longer a confident mid dantian building expert bullying someone weaker and trying to steal, but a man on the verge of death trying to survive, while also thinking everything that was doing was unreal.

He screamed once more "Curse you heavens, why is he so talented and I am not! I may have killed many people, but only because I needed to use them in my stepping stones in cultivation. I have struggled my whole life, but I will still die to a young kid who is just extremely talented. Oh how the heavens are unfair!"

Yun Tian listened and was actually moved by what the man said. He thought 'This man only wanted to kill me because it would benefit him. Wouldn't killing him be the same. I will not kill others only for benefits.'

Right away though he shook away those thoughts 'So what if I am the same though. That is how the world works and he threatened me first.'

His killing intent reached an all time high and finally after a while longer of dodging and attacking, something clicked and Yun Tian waited for his opponent to attack once more.