
Hearing what she said Yun Tian spared no thought and immediately said "I'm sorry then. I will have to decline your invitation. I still have many things to do here."

'I can't leave Shen Yu and I still have to get revenge. Joining a powerful sect may guarantee protection and a smoother and faster growth speed, but I want power to achieve my goals, not just power for the sake of power. There is no reason to give up everything and only have power in the end.'

Seeing how quickly he replied Wang Xiu Ying was slightly surprised "Are you sure? A sect guarantees protection and many resources that would be hard to get otherwise, including teaching from those stronger than you. With your talent especially, you would be highly valued and receive great importance."

"I am sure. I have many things to do here. I can't leave just yet. No matter what I can gain from leaving it's not worth it, leave behind the things I have to do here. I couldn't live with myself if I did."

Seeing how firm Yun Tian was, Wang Xiu Ying gave up and said "Fine then I will at least give you a present then, to make up for the harsh words you had to hear. Take this spatial bag."

Yun Tian did not want to look rude especially in front of someone powerful so he immediately took the bag and thanked her. He then heard her voice inside her head and he could tell no one else heard it since they didn't react at all. "Now you don't have to hide the fact that you have a spatial bag. Don't worry I am directly transmitting my voice to you only. Count this as an act of establishing friendship between us."

Yun Tian was not surprised when he heard her since he knew she was powerful and the things she could do must be out of his imagination. Instead he was just grateful that she was nice to him even after he rejected her.

He thought inside 'Either my talent is just that great that she hopes to still rope me in or she is just this nice to everyone and has a good character. There is also the fact that this bag probably means nothing to her. No matter what though she has been nothing but kind to me since she has arrived.'

"Thank you for your great kindness Lady Wang Xiu Ying and I wish you well on your travels. I will be taking my leave first."

"Very well goodbye Yun Tian I wish you well as well."

After that, he took the forty qi gathering pills and left under the shocked gazes of the crowd that was wondering how he could reject her offer to join a sect and how he just got a spatial bag as a gift.

After he left Wang Xiu Ying thought to herself 'That boy seems quite interesting. Maybe he could cause some waves if he came with me. Unfortunately he decided to stay here and will take much longer to grow.'


He got back to the inn where Shen Yu was staying and told her that he got a spatial bag as a present and got forty qi gathering pills for selling his materials.

She was surprised and congratulated him. She thought inside 'Finally some good things are happening. We are not completely out of luck. Nothing matters though as long as he is okay and happy.'

They made a plan to cultivate and sleep before heading out for hunting again the next morning. Shen Yu herself cultivated for a few hours then slept for the next morning.

Yun Tian though was a dantian building cultivator though so he did not need to eat or sleep as much as regular humans so he cultivated for most of the night and only slept for four hours.

The first thing he did was check the bag he put the qi gathering pills in and he was surprised to find it was much much larger than his other spatial bag. He thought 'I won't have to or be able to get a bigger one for a while. Either she is so powerful that this bag means nothing or this is truly a great gift from her. Either way I will repay her favor.'

He finished his thoughts and then took out a qi gathering pill and swallowed it. He concentrated on absorbing the qi from it and in a few minutes it was gone. He kept swallowing them for a little over half an hour until he was done with ten and thought 'It was definitely the right choice to keep the demonic beast cores for cultivation. They give much more qi than these pills.'

After that he took out the demonic beast cores and alternated between taking an hour for a demonic beast core and swallowing a few qi gathering pills. He thought this would be the best way to cultivate. He got faster as he cultivated and at the end he thought 'This many pills would be a great help to others that would take a long time to use. For me however they barely last a night and my dantian is about a quarter full. The demonic beast cores seem to also have greatly increased my body's strength and durability. I wonder how strong I am now.'

'I only know that my strength has greatly increased and it will take a large amount of resources for me to cross over into the next layer. No matter what though, I am fortunate that my talent allows me to fight great foes and obtain good resources otherwise it would probably take me even longer than normal cultivators to get enough resources and advance.'

After he finished up all the resources he slept for the next morning and he was awoken by Shen Yu who had breakfast ready for him. After they had breakfast together they left town into the forest. Yun Tian thought he was going to hunt beasts for resources and have no problems, but just as he was having high hopes he noticed something with his senses.