Yun Clan

Yun Tian noticed that someone was following them as they went into the wilderness. He thought inside 'This person probably wants to kill me and take my belongings. Since he wants my belongings and is afraid to kill in public he can't be too strong, but he must have confidence in himself since he followed me thinking I killed four demonic beasts. He has to be at least one layer above me.'

'I can try to fight and in the worst case scenario run and hide. The only problem in this scenario would be Shen Yu. She is too weak to run and could be targeted. I have to somehow get her out of harm's way before we fight.'

While Yun Tian was thinking how he could do this the person obviously had no idea what he was thinking and announced "Nephew Yun Tian what a coincidence that I finally found you. Can we talk for a moment please?."

Like Yun Tian thought would happen, it seems that rumors had spread of his breakthrough, because he recognized the person in front of him. It was his uncle Yun Huang. He looked middle age with a smile that made him out to be a kind uncle that was very friendly. Even when others in the clan looked down on Yun Tian when he was stuck this uncle was still kind. He wore beige robes that looked very common and looked overall very ordinary.

Yun Tian knew though that this Uncle of his was a Mid Dantian Building expert and based on the fact that he followed them out here into the forest before starting a conversation he had no good intentions. Even when they were in the clan he felt that this uncle of his was acting weird so he was not overly surprised to find that it was this Uncle that came here for him.

Shen Yu knew none of this and was just surprised at seeing their Uncle from the clan. She shouted "What are you doing here Uncle Haung, we were expelled from the clan, why do you want to talk to us now!?"

While she was talking Yun Tian made sure to stand in front of her, but tried not to make it too obvious that he was on guard. He also did not say anything about knowing that Yun Huang had followed him out here. He thought it would be best to hide his strength.

He thought inside 'Even though it shouldn't be too hard to fight him especially now that I have increased my strength, it is still best to be cautious.'

Yun Huang said with a dispirited look on his face "The clan leader was forced to do that. He had no choice. He did not want the clan to be implicated by you. He also did it for your safety. He even sent people out to look for you. He had planned to make a show of expelling you guys and then secretly helping you later. We are simply too weak and have no choice."

While saying this and acting nice outwardly he was inwardly thinking 'I have to test if you have resentment for the clan, if you do I will kill you and take your belongings. If you don't then surely you would come back to the clan. Your talent is simply too great left unchecked, we cannot have you lying around and maybe destroying the clan one day.'

Hearing what he said though Shen Yu was somewhat bewildered and didn't know what to say. She looked at Yun Tian and he did not want his uncle to know he was suspicious of him so he said "Uncle that's great now we can come back to the clan even if it's not in the public eye".

As Yun Tian said this he walked closer to his uncle and he secretly motioned behind his back for Shen Yu to stay still. She was confused even more, but did as told.

Yun Tian continued "Truthfully uncle I have gained something from some ruins that allowed me to break through. If the clan leader can use it to break through maybe he can take revenge for my parents. Let me show you so you can take a look."

Hearing what Yun Tian said his uncle slightly lowered his guard and didn't do anything even when Yun Tian reached for the spiritual bag on his waist. His uncle might be good at acting, but he wouldn't think that Yun Tian was deceiving him too.

He was just too young and had just lost his parents. He thought Yun Tian must have no idea what to do anymore. When he heard what Yun Tian said he thought he truly believed him and was looking forward to the treasure. This thought was further cemented since he always acted kind outwardly.

Unfortunately what Yun Tian pulled out of his bag was a treasure, but not one he was going to use to help the clan. Yun Tian was not stupid and knew that the clan only cared that he broke through. He even thought they might want to kill him after how he was abandoned. They might think he would want revenge and right now by seeking him they had pushed him on that path.

Yun Tian pulled out his early spirit grade sword and with a flash of extreme speed and killing intent that his uncle was not expecting his head was cut off. His head fell onto the floor and his face was displaying the extreme fright and surprise he felt before he died. He was not the only one surprised though.

Yun Tian wasn't the one surprised at how things turned out. His attack was just as good as if he had attacked from stealth with his opponent not even knowing he was there. His uncle had no idea he would take out a sword and attack. Combine this with his extreme speed and the fact that he recently grew in strength including a stronger weapon and the only outcome was instant death.

The surprised one was Shen Yu. She was surprised by the fact that Yun Tian could kill a Mid Dantian building expert so easily and she was wondering why he killed him.