
Yun Tian didn't wait for Shen Yu to say anything and quickly said "The clan doesn't care about us and only wanted to make sure I wouldn't get revenge in the future now that I have broken through."

"Yun Huang wasn't sincerely nice to us. He was just acting and was sent to test us. Now that I have killed him we can't go back back to town. We have to leave as soon as possible. In the future I will come back for revenge, don't worry."

Shen Yu was surprised, but didn't doubt Yun Tian. She just had a slightly worried face since he had acted slightly different since his breakthrough. She said "Okay then. Let's leave quickly then."

Yun Tian grabbed his uncle's spatial bag and then quickly told Shen Yu without even checking it's contents "Right now are on the opposite side of town from the road that leads to the next town closest and it's too dangerous to go back into town. We will have to circle around town to avoid danger."

Yun Tian and Shen Yu both knew that if they went too far out into the wilderness they could face even more dangerous things than in the city, but Demonic Beasts stayed away from human civilization including the roads in between them. Their best and safest option was to go around the town and then leave for the next town along the roads connecting them.

Yun Tian even said "Let me hold you. We have to leave as fast as possible. My speed even while carrying you is much greater than if I was to follow your speed."

Without waiting for her to say anything Yun Tian picked up Shen Yu in a princess carry, not noticing her slight blush and said "We have to hurry before they realize we are trying to run."

The only thing in Shen Yu's mind though was 'He's carrying me like a princess!'

She was delighted and held onto him closely while enjoying him carrying her.

True to his word, Yun Tian moved only slightly slower while carrying Shen Yu and was astonished himself thinking 'My speed and strength have increased greatly once again after my last session of cultivation. It's no problem for me to carry Shen Yu and my qi consumption is only minimal thanks to my comprehension of my movement skill.'

'With this as long as they don't realize Yun Huang is dead too soon we should be able to make it to the other side of town and get away.'

Yun tian continued holding Shen Yu and made his way around the town while keeping a safe distance. He thought luck was on his side since he quickly made it to the road on the other side of town without encountering anyone.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but didn't completely drop his guard and started travelling down the road. Having not encountered anyone so far his guard had largely dropped, but his hairs stood on their ends when someone came out of the side of the road.

He saw it was an old man and quickly recognized him as the Grand Elder of the Clan. The Grand Elder was second only to the Clan Leader. His name was Yun Hao and his father even told him that he treated him quite well. Yun Tian's father was not particularly outstanding and his father the clan leader mostly disregarded him because of this. It was this Grand Elder who helped him out instead. His father had told him many times to treat this Grand Elder as a close relative.

This was why Yun Tian raised his guard, but did not try to attack immediately. Instead, he asked "Grand Elder are you here to kill me as well."

While he asked this he put Shen Yu down and had her get far away for now. She quickly backed off and the Grand Elder waited for her to back off before he responded.

"Yun Tian I don't blame you for killing your Uncle since he was sent to try and kill you too, but I can't have you get stronger and come back for revenge on the clan. Your parents are already dead and there was nothing the clan could do. We had failed you."

"You had no future in the cultivation world before so I didn't try to interfere or help when the clan leader expelled you two. I had hoped you two could just live a normal life and forget about revenge." At this point the Grand Elder sighed with a melancholic look on his face.

"Unfortunately the heavens love to play tricks and you have now regained your talent. Before I even knew anything about it, the clan leader sent your uncle to kill you. So not only did you rejoin the cruel cultivation world, the clan has now planted a seed of hate in you for itself."

"I don't want to harm you, but I won't allow you to destroy the clan in the future with your talent. I have watched your struggles and now that you have regained your talent, I know you could do it in the future."

"I won't kill you, just ruin your dantian and destroy your meridians and I will let you go. Shen Yu can take you to the next town and you two can live there together. Just live a normal life."

Yun Tian thought about everything he said and he knew that no matter what, in the future he would come back and destroy the clan. He was right about that. If he wanted to do that though, even if he didn't want to or know if he could he had to first get past this Grand Elder in the late dantian building realm.

"I'm sorry Grand Elder, I know how you have helped my father and my family greatly, but I can't put down my hatred for the clan and I won't give up on cultivating unless you kill me... If you can."

Shen Yu was far away but still listening. She screamed and started crying at the end "No Tian we can just forget about it all! He is too strong! Just let it go! I will take care of you! Don't die!"

Even though she said this she didn't move closer even though she wanted to help since she knew she was far too weak and would only get in the way.

"Then I'm sorry Yun Tian and Shen Yu. Tell your parents when you see then again that I have failed them and I hope they can forgive me. While I might not agree with what the clan leader has done so far, My heart will always be with the clan."