
The Grand Elder then took an early spirit grade sword out of his spatial bag and charged at Yun Tian. While the Grand Elder may be in the Late Dantian Building realm, Yun Tian knew that this was only because of the Grand Elders effort through his entire life and in fact his talent was terrible. So while the Grand Elder was in the Late Dantian Building realm his strength was not up to par including his comprehension of skills.

This caused Yun Tian to not completely lose hope and try to fight it out.

Yun Tian took out his own early spirit grade sword and clashed with the elder. Yun Tian was excited to find out that he could in fact match the Grand Elder. He thought 'My strength has increased much more and the Grand Elder is getting on his years as well. He wasn't too strong to begin with and now he is declining even more. I have a Chance!'

Yun Tian kept on clashing with the Grand Elder and he found out that Yun Tian was unbelievably strong. He tried pressuring him with his qi and strength during their clashes, but he found that while his cultivation may be higher his body has declined. This combined with the fact that Yun Tian's body strength and the high purity of his qi made him much stronger than the elder.

The Grand Elder then said "It seems like you focus on brute strength. What about this speed?"

After that the Grand Elder stopped trying to go for direct confrontations and tried to leverage his speed with his movement technique. He was utterly aghast though when he saw Yun Tian deploy his own movement technique and attack.

Yun Tian had extremely high grasp over his movement technique along with his recent increase in strength and he was even faster than the Elder who did not have a very high grasp over his movement technique along with his old body.

When he started to truly attack with his sword skill his speed in attacking made the Grand Elder widen his eyes since he had previously thought he was focused on training up brute strength and then he saw Yun Tian display this blinding speed.

When the Grand Elder attacked once Yun Tian could attack twice.

The Grand Elder screamed "Yun Tian how are you this strong. If only you weren't stuck at a bottleneck before none of this would have happened."

They continued fighting for a while and while Yun Tian was completely overwhelming the Grand Elder he backed off and said "Grand Elder let's stop, I do not wish to kill you. You should have realized the sword skill I am using. I haven't even put any killing intent into the attacks I am using and I also haven't used the technique's strongest form. If I do this you would be no match. You must have realized this as well."

"Yes Yun Tian I am no match for you. You are young and have astonishing talent, but I am not fighting you for this reason. While I am excited to see your astonishing talent it also brings me great sorrow. You may have astonishing talent, but I am much older. I am sorry Yun Tian, I will let Shen Yu live."

After he said this he took out a pill from his spatial bag and swallowed it. Yun Tian was astonished, he could feel that the Grand Elder had just increased in strength greatly.

Inwardly he thought 'I was too stubborn, I should have just let it go. I kill those who harm me and those close to me, but not if it hurts others who are close to me. I should have just let it go. Now even if I defeat the Grand Elder and don't kill him, that pill won't come without a price.'

While he had this thought he did not show it outwardly and just prepared for the battle.

The Grand Elder once more charged at him and he could tell that the Grand Elder was now much stronger than him. His speed was much faster and the strength behind his blade was increased even more noticeably. Yun Tian thought inside 'The pill has mostly increased his strength, but I should still be able to match his speed.'

So the fight continued and Yun Tian fought while thinking it was quite similar to the man in the forest except this time he was waiting for the effect of the Grand Elder's pill to wear off.

The Grand Elder also had a defensive technique similar to the man he killed before and with the effects of the pill it was greatly strengthened. He wasn't sure if he could breach his defenses so he decided to play it passive and wait for the effects of the pill to pass.

The battle continued for a while and the Grand Elder realized that Yun Tian's speed was just too great and he could do nothing to him. Normally this wouldn't be too much of a problem since he had a higher quantity of qi, but the effects of the pill he just took wouldn't last for too much longer and after it he would probably die from the drawbacks.

He was frustrated and thought 'I can't protect my clan even when I am forced to hurt others I love.'

Then he thought of something and struggled with it for a while during the fight. He never let up the pressure though and eventually you could see a resolute gleam in his eyes.

Just like Yun Tian's sword technique has a form that is extremely strong so did the Grand Elder's. He knew he wouldn't be able to finish Yun Tian off with it, but he just wanted to buy some time.

He stopped attacking and said "Fine Yun Tian if you can take this you win."

Then he prepared to unleash his strongest attack. Yun Tian also got ready to unleash his own attack.

Once he was prepared the Grand Elder swung his blade and a large amount of qi was expended. Yun Tian was forced to give his all to stop the attack, but when he followed the Grand Elder with his eyes he was shocked because while he was busy dealing with his attack he had grabbed Shen Yu.