
The Elder realizing that Shen Yu was annoyed took over the conversation and said "Since Young Hero and Young Miss are travelling to Qinghai town just like us, please visit the Feng Clan in a few days and we will repay you for saving us."

"We don't have much on us right now, I don't even have a spatial bag. However, the young hero has just saved the Feng Clan leader's daughter so you must be rewarded. I ask for you to stop by in a few days and not immediately since I am sure young hero will arrive in town before us. Your great speed still amazes me to this moment."

Yun Tian was even happier hearing this, since this was one of the reasons he saved them. "We will be sure to stop by, but I wonder if you know who attacked your group. I would like to know who is so insidious so I can stay away from their group in the future."

Hearing this Feng Shi replied in a resentful voice "Yes I checked under their masks and they are all from the Chen clan. We had some enmity with them, but I had never expected them to do this."

Yun Tian hearing this said "Well I guess they never expected your clan to know who did it. Now though they will know that you guys killed their members who attacked you. This will cause a great rift between your clans I guess."

Hearing this the elder realized he made sense. They saw an opportunity to shake the Feng clan and they took it, but they never expected their own members to die instead.

Yun Tian wasn't all too interested in their power struggles though so after his quick question he asked no more about it and instead bid them farewell and once more picked up Shen Yu into a princess carry once they were far away.

After they left, the group of people from the carriage started animatedly discussing what happened just now. They almost died and then were saved by a young man with great strength.

Feng Mei asked "Elder who do you think he is and how is he that strong."

Feng Shi replied "It doesn't matter too much who he is since he saved our lives. However we just came from Nanyuan town and he seems to be coming from there as well. This does give us some clues."

"It seems like the boy wanted to say his name and then was interrupted by the girl, so they probably gave us fake names. This is further cemented by there being no prominent Li clan anywhere near here."

"With his young age he reminds me of someone from the Yun clan in fact. I heard a while ago that there was a heaven shaking talent born in the Yun clan, but he lost his talent and had to give up cultivation for some reason. His age also matches with what I heard."

"If I am right his name should be Yun Tian and he should have recovered his talent. I just can't believe he could be so talented. If I am right though, it doesn't make any sense for him to be here. He should be in his clan kept under guard and being given their best resources to cultivate."

"No matter if I am right or wrong our clan has to befriend him. He is already this strong at such a young age. I can't even fathom how strong he will be in the future. You were right with what you did earlier. We must try to get closer with him by all means. If you can marry him it would be even better."

"Elder even if you didn't say anything I already wanted to make him my husband."

Yun Tian and Shen Yu had no idea what they talked about after they left and they were in fact having their own conversation. Shen Yu was held in Yun Tian's arms and wasn't fantasizing like usual. Instead, she pouted and berated Yun Tian.

"You seemed quite interested in that girl's offer to travel with them. Did her beauty captivate you?" Shen Yu said sarcastically.

Yun Tian placated her saying "How could I ever be distracted by a girl when I have my cute Shen Yu right here. Your beauty makes all other women in the world cry. It's not only your beauty too. You were smarter than me when you told them fake names. Thank you for that. After all Shen Yu knows best."

Hearing what Yun Tian said indeed made Shen Yu less jealous and instead she started blushing and said "Of course. What would you do without me?"

Hearing her acting all proud and mighty Yun Tian chuckled and continued carrying her to town.

Now that Shen Yu had been soothed she started fantasizing once more and stared at the handsome face carrying her while laughing majestically. Thinking about the incident earlier she swore to herself 'No one can have Tian, but me.'

They continued travelling along the path and it was already well into the night by now. In fact Shen Yu had dozed off in Yun Tian's arms dreaming about him. Yun Tian could see a silly smile on her face while she was dreaming.

Yun Tian made an oath to himself while staring at her smiling face 'I will make it so you can always smile like this. I will get revenge and then become the strongest person in this world. That is the only way to make sure no one can ever hurt you.'

'I also heard that the stronger you get the longer you can live. I will make it so the two of us can live forever and we will become immortals. Always enjoying life and doing whatever we want. That is my dream for our life.'

While Shen Yu was fantasizing in her dreams and Yun Tian was thinking about the future he caught sight of something up ahead in the distance. When he saw what it was, he relaxed slightly and rejoiced.