
Yun Tian had never left his hometown before, but he had learnt about the world from books and his parents before. This is why he knew about the roads and the wilderness. He also knew about things from his life on Earth so he wasn't too surprised when he saw the massive walled off settlement with a gate facing towards the road he came from.

Since they were at the town he decided to wake up Shen Yu since they could find an inn to sleep in. He softly called for her to wake up but she seemed to be so comfortable and immersed in her dream that she didn't want to wake up. It wasn't until he pinched her cheek that she woke up groggily while murmuring.

When she fully woke up and realized where she was, she looked up to see Yun Tian smiling gently at her. She was embarrassed to have fallen asleep in his arms and said in a shy mosquito like voice "I didn't sleep talk did, did I?"

He was slightly surprised wondering what she would be embarrassed about, but still responded "No you didn't sleep talk at all. The only thing you did was smile. We are near town so I woke you up so we could find an inn to sleep."

Hearing what he said Shen Yu relaxed slightly, but was still embarrassed. She wanted to stay in his arms, but was embarrassed and knew they were going into town so she said "Put me down then, so we can sleep in an inn. You must be exhausted carrying me and travelling all that distance."

She said the first part while still being shy and then the last part in a worried tone.

Yun Tian smiled hearing her embarrassment and his heart warmed hearing the care in her voice. He reassured her saying "No you weigh practically nothing and I am strong enough to carry you for a few weeks not to mention a day without breaking a sweat. We should hurry up and find an inn though."

Hearing Yun Tian's words made Shen Yu smile and made her forget her worries. She said "Let's go then."

They walked up to the gate and were stopped by the guards at the entrance. Yun Tian noticed that these guards were in the meridian opening realm, but didn't seem too far into the realm. Their strength might be useful against commoners, but against him they were nothing.

Yun Tian didn't want to create trouble though so decided to listen to what they said first.

"You there, why are you coming into town so late into the night?"

Yun Tian said "We just finished travelling here from Nanyuan town. We came from the road behind us."

The guard was stunned hearing Yun Tian's response. They were both young and while it may have not taken Yun Tian long to travel here, that was only because of his speed. For others it would take a few days at the least to get here. The guard didn't know Yun Tian's strength though so if the guard believed Yun Tian he would think he spent a long time in the wilderness to get here.

"You two made the trip by yourselves with no one to accompany you?"

"Yes it's just us and we are quite tired so we would like to rest in an inn in town. Can I ask why you stopped us?"

Yun Tian was actually starting to get annoyed since he was indeed tired and thought this guard was trying to find trouble with him. He had been through a lot today including nonstop travel.

What he didn't realize though was how peculiar their situation seemed to outsiders. Two young people travelling a large distance by themselves was very odd.

Yun Tian inspected the guard and he saw that he was wearing the same brown clothes as all of the other guards at the gate except he had a silver badge on his waist. The other guards had a bronze badge on their waists.

Thinking about it once again he wondered 'Where do these guards come from and who do they work for. Nanyaun town had nothing like a government or city guards. If there are city guards and they allow one existence to govern the town that means there must be one group who is undisputedly stronger than the rest.'

'If I make a guess they either have a strong background or a person in the realm above dantian building. No matter what it is not good to offend these people. I have to find out their intentions first.'

At first Yun Tian was thinking of just ignoring these weak guards, but his thoughts made him change his mind. Besides he truly didn't have any bad intentions to hide from them. He only spoke the truth. He figured if they had bad intentions there was nothing he could do about it but show his strength, but he would play along with them for now.

None of Yun Tian's thoughts mattered though since the guard was actually just concerned seeing two young people come out from the woods without anyone accompanying them.

The guard was only worried for their safety so he said "I was just worried seeing two kids alone. If you would like I can suggest an inn for you two to stay at and tell you the directions. No, I will take you there if you want."

Yun Tian paid attention to the guard and he realized that the guard was truly trying to help so said "Thank you then. Since we are new in town we have no idea where anything is."

The guard then called out "You guys make sure to keep tight watch. I will be back soon."

Seeing that the guard was sincere and abandoned his duties to help him Yun Tian was actually quite touched. He was ruthless to those who went against him, even his own clan, but to those who were nice to him he decided to be even nicer.