
Along the way the three of them had a conversation. The duo introduced themselves with the same names they used earlier, Li Hao and Li Yu. The guard introduced himself as Wu Chen and said that he had kids of his own. Yun Tian figured that was why he was worried seeing young people on their own.

This was not the real information he was looking for, but since the guard was so nice to them he was nice to him as well and talked nicely with him. He managed to get his question into the conversation and asked who organizes the city guards.

The guard saw Yun Tian's curiosity and realized he must really have no idea so he said "We city guards are organized by the Chu clan. They are the strongest clan in town and no one dares to offend them. We are paid by the Chu clan, but our positions are quite low in the clan."

Yun Tian decided to give this guard some compensation for his help when they reached the inn. Wu Chen had been a great help to them and hadn't even asked for anything in return.

They continued their conversation on the way to the inn and when Wu Chen asked why they came here alone he said "I am actually a cultivator. I left my town to go out and gain experience."

Hearing what he said Wu Chen was slightly surprised but thought 'He must be in the early stages of meridian opening. I can't believe their parents would let them leave by themselves. Even if he is a cultivator. There are many ways for cultivators to die.'

After they got to the inn Wu Chen said "Wait here for a moment, I will go and pay for your two rooms."

Seeing that he even wanted to pay for their rooms Yun Tian didn't even know what to say. This guard had been treating them like little kids he needed to take care of. Even after he said he was a cultivator. Some might be offended or something like that. However, Yun Tian cared nothing about that. He was just grateful to anyone who helped him even if he didn't necessarily need the help. Yun Tian didn't know if the clan he came from was this nice too, but he now had a good view of them.

Yun Tian could let this go on no longer so he said "Thank you for helping us so far, but we can book our room ourselves. We have plenty of money, don't worry. Thank you for your help. Here take this as my thank you."

After he said that, to not let him know where he was taking the money from he put his hand into his robe where kept a spatial bag and took out a bag of money to give to Wu Chen. He would even give the guard Qi gathering pills if he could use them, but Wu Chen was only in the meridian opening realm.

"No, I can't take this. I just helped you two cause I wanted to. Not for any reward. I can't take your money. Use it to book your room and for whatever you need."

After that Wu Chen left and Yun Tian was stuck there not knowing what to do. It had been a while since anyone outside of Yun Tian's family had been nice to him without any motives in mind. This caused a great impact on him and reminded him that there wasn't only darkness in the world. Not everyone would want to kill him.

These events greatly brought up Yun Tian's mood, but he didn't forget the things he had to do.

He called out "Let's go get a room and rest Shen Yu."

Shen Yu was actually just as stunned that someone could be that nice.

They walked into the inn and even though it was already well into the night there were still some people sitting around drinking. Yun Tian ignored them, but that didn't mean they would also ignore him.

Everyone knew about the existence of cultivators, but even if that was the case everyone would always underestimate people who were young. That was the case when a drunkard saw the two of them walking in. He had zero cultivation and was just a normal resident in town.

He saw Shen Yu's great beauty and walked shakily towards them.

"Hey little beauty what are you doing with this little boy. How about you come with me instead?"

Shen Yu was about to make a move to stick up for herself, but Yun Tian didn't want her to kill the man out of rage so he made a move first. No one even saw what happened since Yun Tian moved so fast. All they saw was Yun Tian leave his spot for a moment and then they saw the drunkard sprawled on the ground clutching his stomach while blacked out.

The few other drunkards instantly sobered up and stared aghast. The innkeeper also went wide eyed and said "Young hero I am sorry he offended you. Please don't kill him."

Yun Tian responded indifferently "If I wanted him dead he already would be. Book us a room for the night. Here is the money for our stay."

Yun Tian took out some money and gave it to him and then the innkeeper worked up the courage to give Yun Tian the key to their room while saying "Thank you young hero, stay as long as you want. The room is at the end of the hallway upstairs."

Yun Tian wasn't one to give mercy to those who offended him, but the man was only an ordinary person and he didn't want to cause any trouble by killing people. He still exposed himself as a cultivator though. He thought 'Even though they know I am a cultivator they were ordinary people so while they can tell the clans in town, they won't be able to give a good estimation of my strength.'

He did not care too much about the clans in town knowing about him as long as they didn't come after him especially since he had already helped one of them.

After that he took Shen Yu upstairs and went into their room.

"Alright. What happened earlier was nothing. Don't get so offended by what people say Shen Yu. Especially ordinary people. We shouldn't harm or kill others over minor grievances."

"I don't care what people say to me, but he insulted you."