
Hearing what Shen Yu said he was touched but still responded "You know I can take care of myself. So you don't have to defend me."

"What would you do if others said things about me Dage?"

"I would beat the crap out of them."

Hearing his instant response Shen Yu smiled and said "See, i just think the same way."

Yun Tian shook his head not knowing what to say. She had indeed tricked him. "Alright fine you win, but still in the future don't do things that might get us into trouble. It's not worth it to deal with an insignificant matter and cause big problems."

"Fine dage you are right." Shen Yu said while pouting.

"Alright then Shen Yu go to bed and rest for tomorrow. We will figure out what we are going to do in the morning."

Shen Yu agreed, but said concernedly "Fine, but you have to promise to get some rest too."

Yun Tian had exhausted himself today and while he put on a strong front Shen Yu knew he must be extremely tired.

Yun Tian was indeed extremely tired, but he still had things to do. Even though he wasn't going straight to bed he said to her "Yes I will go to bed right after you do not worry."

Shen Yu looked at him for a moment and with his face telling her that he was telling the truth she gave up and went to one of the two beds in the room to go to sleep.

After he waited for a while Yun Tian then went to the other bed and instead of going to bed he sat on top of it and started to go through everything he had gained recently.

He had used everything he got from his first hunt, but today he had gotten a spatial bag from his Uncle, the Grand Elder, and Expert from the Chen clan in black clothes. He had also gotten a few qi gathering pills, weapons and some money from the meridian opening experts he killed.

He first decided to check all the spatial bags he had gotten.

He looked through them one by one and in the end he counted all the things he had gotten in his head. 'I got a lot of money that is mostly useless for cultivators. There are also some clothes and other useless items in the bags. There are some weapons that are pretty useless that I might be able to sell.'

'The good things though are plenty. I now have four early spirit grade swords. There are also a few techniques in the bags. I need to learn the defensive technique of dantian building experts.'

'It seems everyone uses the basic technique of projecting a layer of qi around the body. The mid dantian opening expert I killed had the technique so I don't have to worry about that. My survivability should drastically increase once I learn it.'

'My skin and body have toughened considerably since I absorbed the demonic beast cores. These two things along with my speed will make it hard for anyone to harm me.'

'Besides that there are some more technique books including two movement techniques, two fist arts, and one sword skill. None of them are higher than an early spirit grade skill though. None of them are useful then.'

'I can gain an initial grasp of them and then sell them. While it is best to not lose focus and stick to a few skills. Learning other skills will increase my foundation for learning better skills in the future.'

'Besides since my talent has increased the day I broke through and fused it should be easy to gain a grasp of them.'

'The one that really interests me is the skill the Grand Elder had.'

He read the note on the cover once again. "Yun Tian if you are reading this, it means I am dead. I could have not brought this or even my whole spatial bag with me when I fought you. I didn't think you would be able to kill me, but you are so talented I didn't know what was possible for you. I know that you want to get revenge, but please take this skill and leave the clan with some descendants. No one in the clan is capable of practicing it, but I'm sure you can if you killed me."

He thought to himself 'The clan leader has to die, but the others can live. The clan who killed my parents is going to be completely eradicated though.'

He took another look at the skill. It was named Qi materialization. He read through it and realized why the Grand Elder and no one else in the could practice it. The skill had a high requirement on the quantity and quality of qi in the body. It also seemed incomplete as if it was only part of another technique.

He thought 'It's almost as if this skill was made for me. Normally before you even start to cultivate the skill you would have to somehow increase the purity of your qi, but I won't have to.'

The book described using your qi in a way that allowed you to materialize objects like a shield or a sword made of qi. Normally dantian building experts could externalize qi outside of their body, but they could not do it well and the qi would quickly dissipate once it was away from your body.

This technique though could allow to create additional layers of defense or attacks as long as he had the qi. It was basically perfect for him.

Once he understood it enough he tried to follow the method in the book. He allowed some qi to travel along his meridians and had it float above his hand. This qi had already been refined by him so it was easier for him to control it, but he still couldn't maintain it indefinitely in the outside world and it wouldn't be of much use in battles like this.

His main idea was to use the technique in the book to create shields of qi so he would have an additional layer of defense or could create shields farther away from him. Just in case he wasn't close enough to protect Shen Yu.

He tried following the method in the book and it took a lot of concentration and a lot of qi, but he was able to create a small shield in his hand. It was a circular shield made of qi and looked decent enough, but he wasn't sure how much force it could handle.