Second Hunt's End

The wolves came up to him and they seemed excited. They were trying to get him to follow them again.

Yun Tian thought inwardly 'To these wolves I saved their lives and then keep on giving them cultivation resources that they could not get on their own for free. Anyone would be happy. They must be happy to lead me to more demonic beasts. Oh well this works for me too.'

With that he signalled them to lead him and he followed them as they once again led through the forest. He travelled with them for a while and eventually he noticed a boar travelling through the forest. He knew it was a demonic beast and the wolves stopped just now too.

He did not bother with anything else and jumped into the trees. Even if he could fight it head on, if he didn't have to why would he. He sped through the trees until he was right above it then launched out of the tree and killed it with a flash.

The wolves knew his attack after seeing it twice so they sped over. He did the same as before, giving the leader an arm and another wolf an arm.

Then he took out the core and put the remainder of the corpse away. The wolves were still just as excited to lead him so he kept on following them.

He followed them for a few hours and killed seven more demonic beasts equal to early dantain building experts. That meant he now had a total of ten demonic beast cores.

He just finished killing another bear they led him to. The wolves were eating the meat as usual. They looked much stronger than when they met him. Especially the leader. Yun Tian could tell that he seemed to be on the verge of breaking through.

'This amount should be enough. If it's not I can deal with it later. I should head back now though.'

The wolves looked at him and were confused at why he was not following them again. He thought 'I quite like these guys. If only I could actually talk to them. Oh well it's time to say goodbye.'

He tried to gesture to them again that he was leaving and to say goodbye while also saying this. He was walking away while the wolves were a little confused.

Then the wolves did something he didn't expect, they followed him. It looked like they wanted to follow him.

'These guys want to follow me?'

'Oh well, I guess they can. They have done a lot for me. I guess they can help me if I need to hunt again. They can leave later whenever they want. I wonder what Shen Yu will think.'

With that he started to travel with the crane flight skill back to where Shen Yu was. By now he had gained much more experience with it, but he still had to travel slower for the wolves.

They travelled for a while and eventually they made it back to the cave where Shen Yu was. He figured she was inside so he called out to her from the open space outside.

He wanted to see what she would think of the wolves.

"Shen Yu you inside the cave? I'm back. Come look at the new friends I made."

Inside the cave Shen Yu stopped cultivating with a smile. She was happy to hear his voice since that meant he came back just fine. When she heard what he said though she couldn't help but wonder who he was talking about.

She came out of the cave and asked "What new friends are you talking…"

She couldn't help but stop mid sentence as she noticed the wolves behind him.

She wasn't the only one surprised though as the wolves behind Yun Tian saw Shen Yu and started to growl.

Yun Tian noticed this immediately and he smacked the leading wolf.

It was surprised and scared wondering what happened. Yun Tian walked over to Shen Yu and tried to show the wolves that Shen Yu was with him.

He put his hand on her head and said to the wolves "She is friendly you guys. Come over here. Why don't you try to show them that you don't mean them harm Shen Yu?"

Shen Yu was a little unnerved. To Yun Tian these wolves may be harmless, but to Shen Yu five wolves on the verge of breaking through to the demonic beast realm were quite scary.

She didn't want to disappoint Yun Tian though and tried to put her hand out and seem friendly. She said "Hey guys I'm Shen Yu."

The wolves looked a little confused at first and looked at Yun Tian. He nodded to them and seeing that leading wolf worked up his courage and came closer to Shen Yu.

He looked like he didn't know what to do and just walked in front of Shen Yu and sniffed her outstretched hand.

Yun Tain had an idea and said "Why don't you try petting him Shen Yu."

She looked at him in confusion. She didn't know what he meant since people didn't really keep pets in this world.

He explained to her though "You know take your hand run it through his fur, might like it and be more friendly with you."

She decided to try his idea and the wolf got a little scared seeing her move her hand, but then it saw Yun Tian stare at it so it stayed still.

She started to pet it and at first the wolf looked suspicious. Then after it let her pet him for a while it started to look like it was enjoying it.

The wolf was bigger than normal wolves, but still not too big so it was easy for Shen Yu to pet it.

It started to wag its tail and looked at Shen Yu like it wanted her to pet it more.

Seeing how their leader was acting, the rest of the wolves also walked up to Shen Yu and let her pet them one by one. In the end Yun Tian watched as the wolves gathered around Shen Yu while she laughed and had fun petting them.

Seeing her cute appearance brought great joy to his heart and he thought 'I would love for this to be our life from now on. Looks like these wolves are staying.'