Close To A Breakthrough

Seeing that everything was fine with the wolves and Shen Yu he told her "Alright I am going to go cultivate for a while. Have fun."

Seeing that he was going into the cave Shen Yu called out from the middle of the wolves. "Wait! Tell me how everything went and why these wolves are with you."

"Alright come sit down and I will tell you how everything went."

He went to the log where they usually ate and sat down. Shen Yu followed him and the wolves followed her. She smiled seeing that the wolves now cared more about Shen Yu than him.

Shen Yu sat next to him and leaned against him. The wolves sat around them. She pet them each occasionally. "Tell me what happened already."

"Alright, alright I will."

With that he started telling her how everything went. He started from how he saved the wolves and said it was her theories about him that gave him the idea to try and get the wolves to help him.

With that she smirked, but she also said "Even if they did help you it does not necessarily confirm you are part demonic beast or anything."

Yun Tian agreed with her so he said nothing and continued with the story. He told her about each of the demonic beasts he hunted and in the end showed her the ten demonic beast cores he now had.

She was surprised seeing them and the wolves turned to drool at them. One look from Yun Tian made them recall their positions again though.

At the end she praised "I knew you were the strongest and would be fine. I knew you would kill a lot of demonic beasts. Didn't I say so?!"

Yun Tian didn't correct her about her worrying a lot when he left and said "I knew my Shen Yu always believes in me."

Shen Yu blushed a little hearing that and said "You're going to cultivate now then?"

"Yeah I'm hoping to break through soon."

She spread out her arms and said "What about these wolves then?"

Yun Tian smiled playfully and said "They like you more so they are your problem now."

While Yun Tian had developed some trust towards these wolves and Shen Yu did like them too they were still kind of scary to her so she said "i'm cultivating too anyway. Let's go inside."

With that they walked into the cave and the wolves followed.

Inside Yun Tian picked his spot to cultivate.

Shen Yu knew he would cultivate with the demonic beast cores so she said "Is it fine if I watch you cultivate for a while?"

She wanted to see him absorbing the energy from demonic beast cores for herself and make sure it wasn't harming him. Even if she couldn't tell anything from watching she wanted to try.

"Sure, I don't mind."

With that she sat across from him with the wolves around her. She was not in the mood to pet them though so they just sat lazing around.

Yun Tian took out a demonic beast core and the wolves looked for a second only since they had learned their lesson by now.

Yun Tian was excited to cultivate and get stronger. Shen Yu, however, only watched with a pensive expression.

Yun Tian started to absorb the energy of the demonic beast core and after a while Shen Yu could only sigh and give up. She was right before. She could not tell at all whether this would harm him or not. She could only hope for the best and trust him.

She started cultivating herself and hours passed with the both of them cultivating. Yun Tian had absorbed five of the demonic beast cores.

Shen Yu stopped cultivating and said "Tian." She didn't want to interrupt him if he was in an important step so she only used a small voice.

Yun Tian was indeed not at any important point. Hearing her call him he stopped cultivating and looked inwardly to his dantian once more. It was nearly full. He figured he might be able to break through tomorrow.

"Shen Yu?"

"Why don't you take a rest now? You have been busy all day after all."

Yun Tian didn't say anything to argue with her since he figured it would be good to have a well rested mind to break through with tomorrow.

"All right, I will take a rest now then. Good night Shen Yu."

With that he flopped down onto the blankets they had.

Seeing him listen to her she was happy. "Good night."

Yun Tian drifted off to sleep as the wolves layed around them and Shen Yu looked at him for a while then once more continued cultivating.

Yun Tian woke up later to the sight of the wolves sleeping around them while Shen Yu was still cultivating.

Noticing him wake up, Shen Yu said "Good morning. I will take a rest now too."

Yun Tian said back "Good morning. Get a good rest."

Shen Yu waited till he got up and then immediately jumped into the blankets he was in previously. She cheered in her mind and snuggled in his warmth. When she moved the wolves also laid next to her.

Yun Tian smiled looking at the happy Shen Yu and the wolves cuddling with her.

Shen Yu drifted off into her dreams and once she was asleep Yun Tian decided to start cultivating again.

Yun Tian thought to himself 'I should try and break through today. Once I break through we can go back into town for a while. The people of the Feng clan should have made it back to their clan by now. I wonder what reward they will give me.'

'Also once I break through I will have absolute assurance since my strength will greatly increase. While in the city I can sell some stuff and try to look for some better skills. I can always try to become better with the ones I have, but it is definitely better to find higher level ones.'