
Yun Tian shook all of his thoughts out of his head and started to cultivate once again. He was excited since he might be able to break through to mid dantian building if he faced no difficulty when breaking through.

He absorbed three more cores after over two hours. His dantian was basically completely full at this point. He had just finished the third demonic beast core.

He thought to himself 'If there are no problems I should be able to breakthrough with this last one.'

He took another hour and absorbed the core trying to see if he could break through. At the end the only thing that happened was a large frown forming on his face. He had not been able to break through.

'At least this situation is not as hopeless as my last one. I can just try using better cultivation resources to break through. If that doesn't work I could even try some life threatening battles or something of the like. If even that doesn't work I will not have many options left.'

'Oh well, one thing at a time. I should first try some demonic beast cores from demonic beasts equivalent to mid dantian building experts.'

'While their strengths are stronger than humans of the same layer, I was strong enough to kill the Grand Elder before. My strength has increased a little since then. I shouldn't have any problems.'

'There is one more thing I can do before that though. It might also help with breaking through and increase my strength. Let's find out what that energy was that I used when I killed the Grand Elder.'

Yun Tian took out the last demonic beast core. He started to absorb it and paid extra close attention to the qi he was absorbing. He noticed that beside the qi that he absorbed in his dantian there was another energy that travelled throughout his body strengthening it.

It finally ended in his chest after going through his whole body. He placed all his attention on where the energy was going and made out something in his chest that was similar to the demonic beast cores he was absorbing.

It was a red marble that looked extremely similar to the cores he had absorbed before. He tried to see if he could extract the energy from it and use it like he had before.

He put all his focus on it and tried to feel for the energy inside it. He found that the inside of it was similar to that of his dantian. It was filled up with what he had decided to call demonic qi.

It was completely full just like his dantian. He extracted some of the energy like he would qi from his dantian. He directed it to parts of his body and wherever he directed it was greatly strengthened.

'I don't know if I had this in my body originally or if it formed from me absorbing the demonic beast cores. I will have to find out in the future. For now though this will greatly increase my strength.'

'I don't need to absorb this demonic beast core I guess then. I can feel that it does increase my strength a little bit, but it's not worth it to waste it. I could sell it I guess or wait until I break through.'

'Ah! How about I give it to the leading wolf. Once he becomes a demonic beast he would be of greater help and it would be easier for him to find me a stronger demonic beast. Plus it seems like these guys are sticking around so it's not bad to help them out.'

'I've got some time to kill then. Guess I will practice my skills then.'

He practiced his skills for a while longer and then Shen Yu woke up when it was morning. Yun Tian had walked out of the cave to practice his skills. She went out to look for him and the wolves followed her.

Seeing her Yun Tian called out "Good morning."

Shen Yu replied with the greeting "Good morning, I will make us some breakfast."

Yun Tian took out a boar he had already prepared and said "Here then. I'll cook it if you want."

"No, I want to cook it."

"Then just cook some for us and give the wolves the rest uncooked."


With that said she cut off some meat for her and Yun Tian and then gave the rest to the wolves who gladly swallowed it. She roasted theirs over the fire and then they ate on the log like usual.

Shen Yu knew what he planned to do today, but she also saw that he wasn't celebrating at all so she asked "You didn't break through?"

"No, but I did make some discoveries."

After that he told her everything he found out. She agreed with his thoughts that they still needed to look more into later.

"I plan on going hunting again, but before that let's deal with these wolves."

Shen Yu chimed in saying "We should name them right?"

Yun Tian agreed and said "You have any ideas?"

Shen Yu observed the wolves more in depth and thought about their names. She took a moment and said "If they stay with us we can consider them family so how about this."

She pointed at the one who was the strongest and their leader and said "Let's call him Yun Bolin since he is like the eldest brother among them."

Then she looked at the smallest wolf that also looked like the youngest among them. While looking she noticed it looked a lot more different compared to the others. It even had some blue in its fur.

Shen Yu abruptly asked "Are they all male?"

Hearing that Yun Tian realized he had indeed just assumed they were all males. 'Ugh, guess I gotta check.'

So that Shen Yu would not see him check he used his extreme speed and quickly took a look.

"The one you are looking at is the only female."

"Alright then let's call her Yun Qing. Would you like to name the other three?"

Yun Tian said "Both names so far are good and they quite like you so you should name them."

She nodded and observed the next one. While the wolves looked generally the same they obviously had some features that were different.

This one had some yellow in its fur so she said "Let's call him Yun Jin."

The next one she decided on was the one who was the most energetic of the bunch and would follow her closely. The top of his left ear had a small piece missing.

She decided and said "Let's call him Yun Zan."

Shen Yu looked at the last one and could not find any especially defining feature. She could still tell the wolves apart, but this last one had no feature she could use in its name. It also acted pretty normal like the other wolves.

"Fine I will name you Yun Zhi."

"Do you like the names Dage?"

Yun Tian thought the names fit them well so he said "I think they are great."