First Middle Tier Demonic Beast

After he swallowed the demonic beast core Bolin grew in strength, but it was not as greatly as he did before.

Yun Tian thought 'His strength is already so high so it will probably be harder for him to break through to higher layers. Also I wonder if I should try swallowing a demonic beast core? I'll try later I guess.'

After Bolin swallowed the demonic beast core Yun Tian put away the corpse and then asked Bolin "Are you ready to go find some stronger demonic beasts."

Yun Tian saw his eyes light up again and the wolf started to walk away while looking at him as if saying "Ready whenever you are."

Yun Tian motioned that he was ready and then they sped off deeper into the forest.

Yun Tian noted that Bolin had gotten slightly faster, but the increase wasn't that much.

They reached pretty far out into the wilderness and then Bolin turned around to look at Yun Tian.

While he couldn't speak Yun Tian could tell what he was trying to convey. He was saying that there would be strong demonic beasts appearing and was asking if they should be stealthy or not.

Yun Tian thought for a moment and decided to be on the safe side since demonic beasts of the same level were usually stronger than humans. So while the demonic beasts here would be equivalent to mid dantian building level humans they would be stronger than that.

Yun Tian wasn't too worried, but anything could happen so he wanted to be safe.

He said "Let's sneak around to be safe."

He worried for a second thinking 'How stealthy can Bolin be?'

His worry was proven wrong though when they started moving again. Bolin no longer left any tracks and made no noise. He would make sure to move from tree cover to tree cover and was constantly alert.

Yun Tian used fleeting steps and moved above in the trees just as stealthily.

Bolin seemed to have caught a scent and he changed directions. While demonic beasts could make it so they left no tracks leaving no scent was hard.

Bolin's sense of smell was extremely sharp. He picked up the tiniest trace and then followed it.

Yun Tian followed behind and they started to move slower as they got closer to where the scent led them.

Bolin looked behind at Yun Tian as if saying that the demonic beast was up ahead.

While Bolin's sense of smell was sharper than Yun Tian's his other senses were not. Yun Tian could also vaguely sense things around him. He felt that this had something to do with his unique circumstances.

He noticed up ahead that there was a rhino with black skin that seemed to be even sturdier than metal. The horn on its head also looked extremely sharp and deadly. Yun Tian could tell just by looking that the strongest parts of this beast were its skin and horn.

It was currently walking through the forest presumably looking for prey.

Yun Tian could in fact see that there was a wild beast realm tiger up ahead in the path it was travelling.

Bolin had spotted it up ahead too by now. He looked back at Yun Tian and Yun Tian could tell from his gaze that he was asking for a chance to see if he could kill it.

"Fine you can try, but I still get the demonic beast core no matter what."

Hearing that Bolin got closer. Yun Tian could tell that he was going to try and sneak attack it this time.

Yun wanted to be there in case he needed help so he made sure to stick close by.

Bolin got close and waited for an opportunity.

The opportunity soon came. The rhino soon spotted the tiger up ahead before it saw the rhino and the rhino started to charge at it. While the rhino might not be that good at making turns if it was in charging straight ahead it was extremely fast.

The tiger soon spotted the rhino charging at it and tried to run.

Bolin kept up and was right behind the rhino.

The tiger could not escape very far since even when it put trees in its path the rhino charged through them and soon skewered the tiger on its horn.

This was the exact moment Bolin was waiting for. As soon as the rhino skewered the tiger Bolin jumped from the side and attempted to tear at his throat with his teeth.

His plan failed though since his teeth only sank slightly into the rhino. He failed to cause any real damage. Being bitten the rhino was furious and started to go crazy launching Bolin off him into a tree which he went right through.

Bolin wasn't hurt that bad and quickly stood up again. Yun Tian by now had decided that Bolin couldn't handle it and was waiting for the right time to strike.

He was right above them in the trees. He waited for the rhino to start its charge toward Bolin and then struck since he obviously couldn't wait for it to skewer Bolin like it did to the tiger.

He even used the newly named demonic qi to empower his legs and arms even further before he attacked.

He launched off the tree with extreme speed and then slashed with great power and even greater speed chopping the rhino's head off with the deadly flash skill.

While Bolin couldn't kill it, Yun Tian was much stronger than him. Especially with a sneak attack he could easily take it down.

After Yun Tian killed it Bolin came back to Yun Tian.

Right away Yun Tian asked "Are you hurt?"

The wolf shook its head to indicate it was not. He at least understood nodding by now.

Seeing Bolin's sad look he said "It is fine you have just become a demonic beast there is no way you could be its opponent. It's good enough that you could sneak close enough to attack it and then be attacked yourself without being hurt."