Wolf Pack

Hearing his words Bolin cheered up. After that he looked greedily at the corpse. That only lasted for a second though. He remembered Yun TIan saying the core was his.

Yun Tian asked "You don't want the corpse besides the core?"

Bolin shook his head no.

Yun Tian dug out the corpse and thought 'I can skin it and take it's valuable parts while giving the rest to the wolves. That is probably what Bolin wants too. The meat is after all from a strong demonic beast equivalent to mid dantian building.'

'It might not have as much energy as a demonic beast core of lower grade, but it still would be very helpful. It would definitely be lower risk for them to eat a bunch of this than to swallow a whole core.'

'Okay that is done. Should we continue hunting? I guess we are already here so we might as well. I might need more than one and it doesn't hurt to get more for after the break through. There are also the wolves too now.'

"Ready to go hunt some more Bolin?"

Bolin nodded and took off as Yun Tian followed after him.

They ran into many beasts besides what he had decided to call middle tier demonic beasts. They ignored the wild beasts, but killed the lower tier demonic beasts if they found them along their way.

They were still searching for more middle tier demonic beasts after having killed a lower tier one when they ran into a lower tier demonic wolf. It had completely white fur, drastically different from Bolin.

Yun Tian wondered why he always ran into wolves, but didn't let that distract him.

He called out to Bolin "Should we kill it?"

He wondered what Bolin thought of other wolves. He was happy though when Bolin didn't even say anything and instead lunged at the wolf.

Bolin got a hold of the wolf and almost mauled it to death, but in it's death throes it howled into the forest.

When Bolin heard this he was a little scared and excited at the same time. Yun Tian noticed this so he asked "What's wrong?"

Bolin tried showing his thoughts through gestures at the wolf and the forest along with his eyes.

Yun Tian somehow understood along with what he had guessed. The wolf had called for backup. They just didn't know how strong the backup would be.

Yun Tian thought for a moment and then said quickly "Swallow the core quickly and then let's hide. If they are strong we can leave. If it's doable it will be a good harvest for us."

Bolin immediately dug out the core and Yun Tian stored the corpse. They were about to hide, but he didn't expect the wolves to be so fast.

He heard several howls and then three wolves appeared around them. The aura they gave off made him tense up and he quickly estimated each of them to be middle tier demonic beasts.

He quickly thought internally 'We have to run!'

After that though he suppressed the voice in his head telling him to run.

'We can do this. I think Bolin should be able to distract one while I handle the other two.'

This plan was quickly overthrown when three more wolves showed up.

His face was grim at this point. The new arrivals were lower tier demonic beasts.

He said to Bolin "You handle those three."

Bolin knew that he couldn't help with those three and should stop others from interfering with Yun Tian so he growled at the three lower tier demonic beast wolves

After that he distanced himself from Bolin and said to the wolves " I am your opponent wolves let's go."

The middle tier wolves could tell who was stronger so they followed Yun Tian and left Bolin to the other weaker wolves.

Once they made enough distance Yun Tian stopped and looked at the wolves trying to come up with a plan in his head.

'Even if I attack and kill one, which will be much harder since it isn't a sneak attack, the other two won't just sit by and watch.'

'I have grown stronger since the fight with the Grand Elder. My body has grown stronger and I have gained new defensive methods. Let's hope they are enough.'

With that thought qi began to surge out of his dantian to create a defense outside of his body. He reinforced this with what he learned from the qi materialization skill and the defense around his body became even more condensed.

He then strengthened his body with the demonic qi from the core in his chest. Especially his legs and arms.

He did all of this in a moment and gave the wolves no time to do anything when he pulled out his sword and charged at the wolves.

They walked with a little distance in between them so he charged at the leftmost one.

While his speed was great the wolves were ready.

Even though they were ready, Yun Tian's speed and power was so great with the deadly flash skill that he had already chopped off the head of the leftmost wolf who had tried to dodge.

This did not come without any consequences though.

This attack took a great amount of his energy and left him open to their attacks. The other wolves were angry and slightly terrified, but did not let this chance go since they were already in a life and death battle.

Both of the wolves charged at him. He blocked the first with his sword using his recently learned flowing stream sword style since it was great for defence. He used his sword and the wolf almost flowed along with the sword right past him. He surprised himself with how greatly he used the sword skill.

While he had blocked the first wolf the other took the chance while he was busy. He could not dodge and the other wolf tried to lung for his throat.

He could only block with his arm.