Opportunity's Cost

Luckily for Yun Tian he had greatly increased his defenses. He used a lot of his qi to increase the density of the qi barrier and strengthened his arm with demonic qi.

The wolf bit down on his arm and first hit the qi barrier. After breaking the barrier it continued closing its jaws and bit down on Yun Tian's arm. It bit down into his arm.

The barrier took a lot of the force since he had greatly reinforced it. Otherwise he would have lost his arm no matter what.

Thanks to the enhanced qi barrier though his body was able to bear the wolf biting him. Its teeth sunk into his arm, but it was not able to tear it off or break it in one motion because of how strong his body and barriers were.

This instead created another opportunity for him. He had just deflected the other wolf and while this one had its teeth in his arm it was otherwise defenseless. He did not let go of this chance and although it was slightly awkward he used his sword to stab at the wolf's neck. The wolf was still trying to tear off his arm when his sword entered its neck and killed it.

He was not the only one taking advantage of opportunities though. The last wolf charged at him and lunged for his neck. However he could dodge this time and that is just what he did. He used fleeting fleeting steps and flashed right out of the way of its attack.

Even though he dodged it still managed to scratch his side since he was distracted with just having killed the other wolf.

His side had long gashes, but he knew that if it weren't for his strong body and qi barrier he would have been torn in half.

The wolf did not give up and continued to attack. He was prepared this time though so he fended it off with his sword and got ready to kill it instead. He could only use one arm right now, but he was fine with that. Their battle continued for a while since he was injured and still had a dead wolf latched onto his other arm.

One sword flash later though and the final wolf's head dropped onto the ground.

Yun Tian didn't relax right away though and instead looked to see how bolin was doing.

Bolin was only fighting with one wolf now, but seemed to have some injuries. He gauged that Bolin would be fine and took a moment to deal with his injuries. He pried the dead wolf off his arm and stored it into his spatial bag.

Then he got to his injuries. He first looked at his arm. There were some very deep puncture wounds and the arm was now broken. He couldn't use it for a while until it healed.

Then he looked at his other main injury the gashes on his side. They were very deep and he had lost a lot of blood.

He felt lucky though that he was alive.

He had used a lot of qi and energy in the last fight along with his loss of blood he felt very weak right now. Yun Tian did his best to take some clothes out of one of his spatial bags and rip them to wrap them around his wounds trying to stop the blood loss.

After that he made a makeshift sling for his arm.

He quickly stored the other two wolves' corpses and went to Bolin. He did not want to fight right now so he did not think of helping. He just had too little qi and energy. He needed to save it.

Bolin took a little longer and then broke the wolf's neck killing it. The first thing Bolin did after that was look for Yun Tian.

Yun Tian had also stored the two wolves Bolin had killed by now.

Bolin saw Yun Tian walk over to him at this moment and besides being concerned over his injuries Bolin looked glad to see he was fine.

Yun Tian didn't want to waste anymore time and stored the wolf's corpse. He then said "We have to leave now. We don't know if more will come."

Hearing that Bolin nodded and they took off back to where Shen Yu was.

The only thing Yun Tian had in mind was to leave here as fast as possible and then to recuperate from his injuries.

Ten minutes after they left they heard several more howls in the direction they left from. While they couldn't judge their strength Yun Tian didn't want to risk it so he urged Bolin to speed up and sped up himself even though he slightly aggravated his injuries.

They left and very quickly made it back to Shen Yu. Even though the distance was far they travelled at breakneck speed.

When he got back he called out for Shen Yu.

"Shen Yu get out here now we have to go!"

Hearing his voice inside the cave Shen Yu stopped cultivating and became worried. She came out with the wolves from the cave and seeing their appearance both her and the wolves ran over to see if they were alright.

"What happened Dage!? Are you alright!?"

"I'm fine, but we don't have time. We have to go."

Yun Tian knew that although they avoided leaving tracks they could still be tracked by the wolves just like Bolin tracked other beasts. Especially since they were both injured.

He probably left blood here and there and made for an easy target to track by smell.

He thought for a moment and then looked at Bolin.

"Bolin I don't think that we can stay out here right now. The wolves could easily track me right now and I don't have much strength right now."

"Would they be able to track you guys?"

Hearing his question Bolin thought for a moment and then signalled they would be fine.

"Okay we have to meet up later then. I will take Shen Yu into the human town near here for now. That is where we will be safest."