Back To Town

Hearing his words Shen Yu worried even more.

She asked Bolin "Are you sure you guys will be fine."

In response Bolin tried to pose and act strong saying that they will be fine.

With the blood in his fur and his injuries though it was hard for him to act strong so it instead had the opposite effect on Shen Yu.

Yun Tian said "We can't bring them into town and if we stay with them we will only make it easier for the wolves who come after us to find them."

Hearing his words Shen Yu couldn't say he was wrong. She only said "We won't be apart for long guys. Okay? Promise me you guys will be fine."

With that the wolves came up to her and licked her to reassure her.

Yun Tian got back on topic and said "We need a place to meet up then."

He thought for a moment and said "Head to the road towards Nanyuan town. Wait in the woods near the road. Go far enough down it so you get far enough away from here. Also, don't bother with any people you see. Avoid them."

After that he gave him the general direction of the road.

Hearing his words Bolin nodded to him and tried to gesture they would be fine.

Then Yun Tian said "I will heal first and then try and break through so it might take a while."

Bolin listened and showed he understood.

"Alright be safe then guys."

He petted each one and then took Shen Yu to leave.

The wolves watched them leave and then took off in the direction Yun Tian pointed out.

Once they were gone Shen Yu asked Yun Tian "Will they be alright?"

Yun Tian replied to her "I'm sure they will be fine with Bolin. He is quite strong."

Shen Yu thought in her mind 'The most important thing is that Tian is safe, but I like those wolves too now. Tian still comes first though.'

They headed back to town and since he was hurt he didn't carry her and she didn't ask him to either.

She only asked him questions about what happened and how badly he was injured.

Yun Tian explained everything to her and told her that some strong demonic wolves might come after them.

She quickly yelled at him "How could you stay to fight without knowing how strong they are!? Your life comes before cultivation okay! Promise me you won't go into any fights in the future without knowing you will win!"

Hearing her say this he could only let her yell at him since what he did was quite risky.

Even though he deserved it, he still didn't promise her the last part.

"I will always try my best to stay safe, but we both know that you have to take risks in order to get stronger. Nothing comes without risks."

Hearing how he replied to her Shen Yu wanted to keep on yelling at him, but seeing the resolute look in his eyes as he said this she couldn't refute him.

She only thought in her heart 'I don't care how strong you are though. I wouldn't mind if we just hid away somewhere and lived just the two of us.'

Yun Tian had also had these thoughts just like her before. What made him give up on this idea in the past though was what he saw in this world.

On planet earth you didn't need to be strong. He thought about how different life was there.

Here though in this world his thoughts had to be different. Yun Tian thought about how you had to be strong or else others could do whatever they wanted to you and you could not protect yourself.

You could die at any moment if you weren't strong enough. Just like his parents. He needed to be strong enough to protect what he wanted to protect.

That was the last thing they talked about since they were both lost in their thoughts.

They quickly made it back to town. They went back to the same gate they arrived at and left from.

When they arrived at town this time though Yun Tian was badly injured.

The same guard was there this time too.

Wu Chen saw them come out of the woods together and at first he was happy to see them. Then he saw that Yun Tian was wounded and his expression turned grim.

He ran over to them and asked "Are you alright? How badly are you injured."

He could tell from the blood and the improvised cloth on him that the wounds were still pretty fresh and untreated. That was why he was so worried.

Seeing how concerned he was Yun Tian smiled and said "I am fine. Don't worry. I just need some rest. So I would like to go find a spot to rest quickly if you don't mind."

Realizing that Yun Tian was refusing his help he said "Are you sure? I could help you treat your injuries."

Wu Chen not giving up made Yun Tian want to tell him that there might be strong demonic beasts coming this way.

He thought about it in his mind for a moment.

'If the wolves come this way the guards here don't stand a chance. If I tell him though and he tells others they will want to know how I know this.'

'If the strong experts in town find out that I am a dantian building expert who is injured they will probably try to kill me and take my stuff. They will probably think I have some good stuff on me since I am so young and a dantian building expert.'

'I can't let others know I am a dantian building expert right now, but I can't let him die either. He has shown so much concern for us. While I have decided to be heartless to my enemies I can't do the same to those who are kind to me.'

With this in mind he said "Actually I could use some help with my injuries. Do you mind coming into town with me to treat them Wu Chen?"

Hearing his words Wu Chen wondered what made him change his mind and Shen Yu got worried since he needed help with his injuries.

She hadn't thought as far as Yun Tian since she was only thinking about his injuries right now.