
Yun Tian was surprised hearing Ming Yu's tone. She sounded bossy like she was in charge.

Wu Chen only said "I'm sorry for yelling earlier honey. I thought there was an emergency."

Yun Tian echoed "Yes it was my fault. He was worried about my injuries."

Ming Yu said back as she crossed her arms "Well I was worried about you when you called out and then you yelled at me. Humph!"

"I'm sorry, honey I will make it up to you later."

Wu Chen said and then kissed her on her cheek. It seemed that even though Wu Chen was a cultivator and the man of the household he still listened to whatever his wife said.

"Alright I'll lead you upstairs to rest, come on."

"Thank you."

Yun Tian and Shen Yu both said.

Shen Yu helped cover his wounds again with the bandages they brought and then followed Wu Chen upstairs.

They went upstairs and Wu Chen brought them to a room with one bed.

"You siblings don't mind sharing a bed right? If not I can figure something out."

Shen Yu quickly said "We don't mind."

They walked inside and Wu Chen said "I will let you two rest then. I will go downstairs and help my wife with the food."

He said the last part with a wry smile, since it had been exposed that his wife was in charge and he was going to console her.

He closed the door and left.

After that Shen Yu sat on the bed and said to Yun Tian "Quickly come lie down and rest."

Yun Tian however refused her and said "I have to recover my qi first. I have pretty much none left right now."

Shen Yu had a worried look and said "Why can't you just rest for a while first and just recover it naturally."

Cultivators would naturally recover used up qi, but it would be much faster if you actively focused on it. Yun Tian had told her about some of his experience so far as a dantian building cultivator.

Yun Tian said "We have to be prepared just in case."

Seeing that he wouldn't budge and had already sat down to recover his qi said "Alright fine, but after that you have to lie down for a while."

Shen Yu watched over him as he cultivated. She kept on thinking about how useless she was. In the end, she just stared at him and didn't think about anything.

She had blanked out staring at him, so when he fully recovered his qi a while later and saw her staring at him he asked "What are you staring at?"

Hearing his voice Shen Yu noticed that he was done restoring his qi and was looking at her as she stared at him. This made her blush and flusteredly say "Nothing!"

Yun Tian laughed and said "What are you blushing for? I am going to lay down now like you asked. Okay?"

Shen Yu quickly agreed with him changing the topic and said "Yes, Yes quickly come lay down."

The bed was big enough for the two of them no problem. Yun Tian went to the otherside of the bed and laid down on it.

Shen Yu stayed sitting on the other side and just watched him.

He was indeed exhausted after everything that happened today. After he laid down, all of the compiled exhaustion hit him all at once and he fell asleep pretty quickly since he was no longer that alert.

Shen Yu watched this and looked sad seeing this. She thought 'He fell asleep instantly. He must be so exhausted.'

She looked on for another second and looked like she was struggling with something for a second while blushing.

In the end she crawled in the bed next to him. She fell asleep soon too.

A little while after that, Wu Chen's Wife Ming Yu knocked on the door of their room. When she got no answer she quietly opened the door to look inside.

What she saw made her smile. The both of them were asleep with Shen Yu holding onto Yun Tian.

They were both asleep and Shen Yu was holding on to Yun Tian as if she was afraid he would leave her.

The sight melted her heart and she closed the door without so much as making a noise.

Little did she know though her opening the door had alerted Yun Tian and he woke up at that moment. He had not hunted for years for nothing after all.

This along with his acute sense made him not miss any detail. Even while asleep recovering from exhaustion he was still alert and the slightest outside disturbance alerted him.

Ming Yu had no idea of this though since he had not opened his eyes and pretended to be asleep still. She only saw two cute and defenseless children.

He saw no reason to say he was awake since he preferred to rest longer. That was what he did after she closed the door again.

He looked at Shen Yu and smiled at her clinging onto him. He would pat her head if she wasn't clinging onto his uninjured arm.

He slowly drifted back asleep.


After Ming Yu went back downstairs she walked to the toward where food was already placed ready for them to eat.

Wu Chen was sitting there waiting and so was their daughter. Seeing her come back alone he asked "Well, are they coming?"

Ming Yu smiled and said "No they are both asleep."

Then Ming Yu immediately afterward asked with furrowed brows "Where are those kids parents and why are they here alone? Why are they with you? How did he get injured like that?"

She didn't especially care about the part where he healed extremely fast and was just worried about them.

It could be seen that Wu Chen also didn't care about that part either since he didn't mention it at all and just said "I don't know much about them myself honey. They just showed up at the gate a few days ago and said they travelled here by themselves from another town."

"The only thing I know is that the boy is a cultivator and said he is out to experience the world."