Wolves Spotted

Ming Yu listened to her husband's words and asked back "Do you believe he was telling you the truth? Even if he was, how would his parents let him come here on his own?"

Wu Chen had the same doubts so he said to her "I don't know honey I thought the same as you too. If they are not willing to say though, do you want me to interrogate them? There is not much we can do besides helping them a little bit."

Saying this they both turned a little downcast while their daughter was still setting there not understanding what they were talking about.

Wu Chen then said "How about this? Tomorrow we try and talk to them to figure things out. We try to convince them to go back home. They are too young to be out on their own."

This was what Ming Yu wanted as well so she said "That's a great idea. Alright we should start eating now. There is a lot of food."

Right when they sat down to eat together though there was a shout from outside.

"Captain Chen! Quick there is trouble at the gate! Come quick!"

Hearing this he said to his wife "Stay here honey I will be back soon don't worry. Make sure to keep watch over those kids. It seemed that he really had no idea what was going on with his wounds. If something does happen, try and find some help from the Chu clan. Tell them that I sent you."

Hearing this, although worried, Ming Yu could only say "Be careful honey."

His daughter, while not completely understanding what was happening, knew that Wu Chen was leaving so she said "But you promised to play with me daddy. You can't leave."

He was in a rush though and could only pat her head and console her saying "I will be back and we will play later princess."

He then ran out of the house where one of his subordinates was waiting.

They immediately took off towards the gate and on the way there he informed Wu Chen of the situation there.

He said that there were wolves spotted in the forest nearby town.

He said that there even seemed to be demonic beast realm wolves.

Hearing this Wu Chen was surprised and thought of Yun Tian's wounds. He thought that it was possible those wounds came from a wolf.

Then he thought about how at first Yun Tian just wanted to go into town fast and then how he asked him to leave the gate and come with him.

He thought up a crazy idea of the wolves being here for Yun Tian, but it didn't make sense to him how Yun Tian could antagonize demonic beast realm wolves.

He shook that thought out of his head and asked "Did you inform the Chu clan yet?"

His subordinate said back "We were waiting for you captain since none of them have come close to town yet."

He looked at his subordinate and said "What do you expect me to do against demonic beasts? Go back to the gate. I will go ask the experts of the Chu clan for support."

After that he separated with his subordinate and headed to the Chu clan's residence close to the center of town.

The town was large, but with him rushing with his speed as a sixth layer meridian opening realm cultivator he got there very quickly.

The Chu clan had their own area within the city and since they were considered the strongest clan in town who also organized the city guard the residence was very large. At one entrance to the clan there were two clan disciples in green robes standing guard.

When they saw someone rushing towards the entrance they were guarding they became alert. When Wu Chen came closer and they realized he was a guard captain they calmed down, but still asked him "Guard captain What is the matter for you to be rushing over here like this?"

Wu Chen stopped in front of them and performed a slight bow while saying "Disciples I request for the elders help at the gate I am guarding. There have been several demonic beasts spotted outside of the town."

Hearing him talk about demonic beasts they quickly questioned him "Do you know the strength of these demonic beasts and how many there are?"

Wu Chen could only reply with what he knew.

"They are wolves and I do not know how strong they are, but I do know that there are a lot of them."

Hearing his words the disciple said "Come with me to report this to an elder in the clan."

Wu Chen assented and they quickly went into the clan.

The disciple led him inside and brought him closer to the center of the clan buildings where the stronger members of the clan lived.

They went to a residence and the disciple bowed slightly then called out "Elder Hao this disciple requests your assistance."

Wu Chen followed suit and bowed while as well. You had to be in the dantian building realm to be an elder in the clan. The stronger a cultivator was the more respect they deserved.

The Elder came out and asked "Disciple Ye what is the matter?"

Wu Chen observed him when he came out from the residence. The elder was a middle aged man and gave off a bearing that almost suffocated Wu Chen.

This was to be expected though since the disciple had brought Wu Chen straight to a mid dantian building expert of the clan since this matter involved several demonic beasts of unknown strength.

"Elder how this guard captain has brought me news of great importance. Go on and tell Elder Hao what you told me, captain."

Healing this and seeing the elder switch his attention to him Wu Chen got slightly nervous, but still repeated everything he said earlier.

Hearing this the elder thought for a moment and said "Captain tell your men to not leave the town and spread the word that no one is to leave town until the Chu clan issues an announcement that it is safe to leave again. Go do this now. I will handle the rest from here."

Wu Chen could only say "Thank you, elder I will do this immediately."

He left to do what the elder said since he could not help in any other way. This matter would require the Chu clan to handle.