
Wu Chen was a guard after all and his two duties right now were to make sure no one left town and to watch for threats from the outside. Thus, he immediately noticed a group of people walking towards the gate.

Seeing who they were, he smiled and his smile was especially bright as he witnessed his daughter having fun with Yun Tian.

The little girl was the first to call out "Daddy!" and then she started patting Yun Tian telling him to put her down.

He complied and let her down.

She then ran up to Wu Chen who said to her "Princess!" as he scooped her up into his arms for a hug.

There were other guards at the gate and he was the captain so he could afford to take a little break.

There was a table off to the side of the gate that Wu Chen brought them over to.

Once they sat down Ming Yu gave him the food and he started eating immediately while complementing the food.

Ming Yu however corrected him saying "No I didn't help at all with the food. It was made by them alone and not me."

He was surprised hearing this since he knew that Yun Tian had stayed in their room when they were not eating up until now.

"The food is great then you two. What are you two doing walking around? Are your injuries fine?"

Hearing this Yun Tian said "My injuries are already completely healed."

With that Wu Chen noticed that his bandages were indeed gone with no wound still there. This relieved him the same way Ming Yu felt earlier.

Yun Tian continued after that "We are just relaxing today and thought we could help out since we are going to leave soon since I am healed. Besides that, I have a surprise to tell you later after you are done with your guard duties."

Hearing this Wu Chen looked at Ming Yu who only shook her head since she had no idea what the surprise was.

They talked a little while longer and then Wu Chen went back to his guard duties after saying goodbye to them and the four of them walked back to the house.

Once they got back to the house, they spent some time talking together along with Yun Tian and Shen Yu helping with some chores and the like until it got late at night.

It became time for dinner and the pair made dinner by themselves again. Wu Chen got back while they were making the food and the family waited at the table together.

Wu Chen had been thinking about what Yun Tian's surprise would be so as soon as Yun Tian brought the food over he asked "Alright, I'm back after my guard duties. What is your surprise? Come on, you made me wait hours to find out."

Ming Yu had the expression as him like they couldn't wait to find out.

Yun Tian merely said "Why don't we just eat first."

By his side Shen Yu just giggled seeing their anticipation since she knew the surprise would be even bigger than what they thought.

With that they talked a little about Wu Chen and their days, but the couple ate quickly since they were still anticipating the surprise. They urged Yun Tian and Shen Yu to eat fast since they were waiting.

Once everyone including the little girl was done eating Yun Tian said "Alright. Are you ready for the surprise?"

They immediately nodded and Shen Yu giggled again with a smirk since Yun Tian would be telling them how strong he was.

While they were paying close attention to him Yun Tian projected some qi out of his hand and controlled it to float above his hand and had it change into various shapes with the skill he had gained in manipulating qi.

Upon seeing this Ming Yu was confused and the little girl thought it was pretty, while Wu Chen was absolutely dumbfounded with his mouth wide open.

He stuttered out "You, You're in the dantian building realm?!"

Yun Tian nodded hearing this and stopped doing his demonstration.

He then said "In fact I broke through into mid dantian building earlier today. That was why I asked you not to disturb us earlier Auntie Yu. I was in the process of breaking through."

Wu Chen knew his wife did not understand much about the world of cultivation so he explained to her the difficulty of breaking through into the dantian building realm and the strength one of those experts would have.

He even told her about how being disturbed during a breakthrough could be dangerous.

Hearing this she understood why said what he did earlier.

After Wu Chen's explanation to his wife Yun Tian asked "Well, Surprised?"

Wu Chen looked at him and wanted to roll his eyes at the massive understatement. This was much more than a surprise to him.

He couldn't help but ask "Are you truly as young as you look?"

Ming Yu got slightly suspicious too at his words.

What Yun Tian said though reassured them "No, in fact I am younger than I look. She is the older one."

He said that while pointing at Shen Yu. He did look like he was the older one while Shen Yu was younger.

Hearing this Shen Yu punched him and Yun Tian laughed.

The couple couldn't help but laugh too and think inwardly 'It seems that even though he is very strong he is still a good person and nothing much has changed. They are still two kids on their own it seems.'

Wu Chen thought about this point and asked "Do you mind telling us the real reason you guys are alone here now?"

Hearing this the two of them stopped laughing completely and their smiles dropped as Yun Tian said despondently "Our parents died and our clan threw us out."

Then he gritted his teeth and said "But! You have seen for yourself my strength and talent just now. Our plan is to travel while I increase my strength and then we will get revenge."

These people have shown nothing, but absolute sincerity since they came here so Yun Tian saw no reason to hide anything since he had already revealed his strength to them.